Had a revelation this morning while listening to a HonkyTonk playlist on Spotify that Jerry Reed originally made Amos Moses. For YEARS I just thought it was a Primus song as it has that vibe Les Claypool puts out.

Another for me was Astronomy Domine by Pink Floyd. I originally heard it on Headbangers Ball by Voivod and had no idea it was a cover. A few years later I discovered that it was a cover and to this day Pink Floyd and Voivod are two of my favorite bands.

So, What songs did you surprisingly find out were covers some time after hearing the song by the cover artist?

  • StrawberryPigtails@lemmy.astaluk.icu
    1 year ago

    Considering the genres I tend to listen to most frequently (country, jazz, blues, bluegrass) don’t really have a problem with people doing covers, that is a very long list.

    The only one that pops to mind currently is Hurt by Johnny Cash. I think it was the better part of a year before I found out about Nine Inch Nails’ original version.