The cool kids are forcing people to read this at gunpoint nowadays
Right? It’s in the kernel and everything now. Linus likes it. Linus hates everything. HOW MUCH ARE THEY PAYING HIM?
Big Rust has gotten to Linus
Not the L man!
Linux is C only, ever read the rant by Linus last century about C++ ? I was there, in usenet
They’re about allow bits of rust though
Wait, you are telling people had discussion in Usenet? No way!
C++? Shoot me
Put the gun away and throw that cpp book in the bin, fool. I brought The Linux Kernel Programming Guide, which is in C, and my own socks, which are wool. Now let’s gets crackin.
Bonus points for some Rust device drivers.
Never touched rust, so I don’t understand the hype. I’m not arguing against it, mind you, but I’m gathering, more and more, that it’s worth a look. Maybe I’ll look into it after work.
even all of that hype about memory safety and borrow checker you keep hearing aside, the actual coolest thing about Rust is how it does Traits instead of classes and that you can bind arbitrary data to enums