Bull elk, you see, like to douse themselves in urine to attract the females. The urine soaks into their hair and gives them a distinct smell which attracts cows
I’ve been using axe body spray as a lady repellent for years, as well as a man repellent,
it repels most things actuallily if you just aim it at their eyes
Regular white tail routinely pee on their back legs so they can scent mark. This is just the alpha/Chad whatever the kids are calling it nowadays move.
Any explanation why the elk did that? (Other than “because he can”, of course)
Furiously scribbles notes
Don’t judge those who can’t afford Axe Body Spray
Unfair comparison, this one actually attracts lady elk.
I’ve been using axe body spray as a lady repellent for years, as well as a man repellent,
it repels most things actuallily if you just aim it at their eyes
My first thought was the rinse his eyes of an irritant. Scent makes more sense. No pun intended.
It makes scents!
this is why i’m a lesbian
To attract cows?
Yeah, maybe adopt a calf with a nice cow someday.
Elementary school me partially discovering I’m a lesbian during “the talk”:
"Five minutes ago I didn’t even know I had a Third Hole™ and now you’re telling me I’m supposed to put the thing that boys PEE OUT OF, INTO IT!?"
[She then grew up to very much enjoy putting the thing that girls pee out of into her mouth.]
Ah yes, I should’ve figured.
The lady elk love it
Regular white tail routinely pee on their back legs so they can scent mark. This is just the alpha/Chad whatever the kids are calling it nowadays move.