I didn’t mean for this post to cause a bunch of arguing in the comments =(
I thought this was just some gallows humor (e.g. “Everything’s lovely except that I have to fear for my safety all the time”) type of shitpost that sounded similar to comments I’ve heard from women irl a lot.
What and guys aren’t worried about being murdered by other dudes at night? Lol
https://www.victimsweek.gc.ca/res/r512.html#:~:text=In that year%2C men were,a weapon used against them.&text=Young men under the age,-corporate area)%20than%20women.
Statistically men are more likely to be attacked, robbed, sexually assaulted (in a public institution) and shot than women.
https://www.statista.com/statistics/1388777/murder-victims-in-the-us-by-gender/#:~:text=In 2023%2C the FBI reported,female in the United States.
Men are more likely to be murdered in general.
Violent crimes happen to men more than women on average.
I am a HUGE advocate for women staying safe. I think more women need to purchase and properly learn how to use a personal high speed lead slinging device.
HOWEVER I do not care for this claim that women are always the victims. Statistically they aren’t more frequently attacked or murdered. In fact they are slightly less likely to be victims. Bad people are gonna do bad things and everyone should learn to protect themselves against those bad people.
DOUBLE HOWEVER Men are overwhelming the perpetrator of violent crimes against everyone. More than 75% of violent crimes is committed by men.
At the end of the day everyone should stay safe. Keep your head on a swivel. Obtain and learn how to use a personal defense tool. Be smart.
I wonder if the murder rates are skewed by organized crime/gangs. That has a male skewed gender ratio and high murder rates.
Gangs drive murder rates. Looking at areas in the US without gang activity, the murder rate is almost as low anywhere else in the world.
Almost certainly.
Unfortunately it’s very difficult to pull apart big data sets accurately. It’s difficult to pin down what murders are for sure gang related and which ones aren’t. Obviously there are some situations where it’s very clear, but some where it is not. Where you draw that line changes things significantly.
The actual fuck? It’s significantly easier to pull apart large data sets, especially to answer demographic questions like this. This is literally Data Science 101, you’re just making shit up!
They’re not interested in evidence or discussions
It’s a hate-movement
deleted by creator
Did we read the same comment? He was pointing out statistics around males, not downplaying the statistics around women.
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He’s just making stuff up anyway. It’s not difficult to pull apart those data sets. The information is readily available. It just doesn’t show the first thing that came out of his mouth is correct.
who said this?
honest query. I don’t see it in OP’s statement. You do corroborate their premise -
so why the strawman argument at the start?
You said this, this entire thread
my only other statement in this entire thread is about your misogynistic statement about ‘good man schtick’. you silly chud.
Either your reading comprehension skills are woefully inadequate or your involuntary celibacy is forcing your brain out of your ears due to the hydrostatic overpressure.
I really think you need to get the fuck away from the internet mate, find a life, find some kind of purpose and examine the choices which brought you to this sad fucking state.
Rich coming from a chronically online dude You use thought-terminating cliches like calling someone an incel (& pure projection)
Apparently, calling out misandry is misogyny & only men who has their existence validated by women should be allowed to have opinions According to a lifeless husk like you
You aren’t calling out any misandry, you’re just a chud. I didn’t seek you out, you put this shit out there yourself.
Finally, buddy, guess what: grown men don’t need you to stick up for them. Honestly. You sad little shit.
So of the photo was of a man, bit with the same text it would be ok. Right? Both you, me, and the woman in the photo agree that men are the problem.
“Not all men” agreed, but enough to men to make others afraid.
True. The caption doesn’t imply any gender for the potential victim, it just happened the original poster is female.
If they have to post any statistics at all, it should only be about the criminal, which they did but with a Google AMP link grrrrrrr
Ohh is this the part where you break it down further and try to say because statistically PoC are more likely to commit crimes that PoC are the problem?
Because that’s certainly sounds like the sort of shittake you’re already doing there.
Discrimination has no place.
I routinely would go on long walks at all hours of the night (like 3am), with headphones on. Ive done this in the US, Brazil, and Europe in all kinds of neighborhoods. I was a 180lb male and I somewhat consciously and subconsciously would put on the lunatic vibe of “I am the one who knocks”.
Now I started my transition, down to 150 lbs, dressing more feminine. Still have a decent amount of muscle but Truuust me, the vibe is not the same. This meme is valid.
I’m a cis man and closer to 140 lbs (with average height). And though I don’t regularly go out for night walks, when I do I don’t feel particularly unsafe. A little more cautious perhaps, especially around groups of drunk people but that’s about it.
If I were forced to fight the average person I meet at night I would literally have to resort to using my damn teeth or expect to be beaten up to a pulp at the very least.
Still, the risk of me ending up in such a situation is tiny. I’m far more likely to be run over by a car - which actually almost happened a couple weeks back had I not paid attention.
Honestly, I think large parts of women’s fear at night in the US is culture dependent. You don’t have walkable streets over there so children don’t have the opportunity to walk to kindergarten or school. Over here in winter children are literally walking to school at night, before sunrise.
You do have a shitton of neverending fear mongering. Like, the concept of “Amber Alerts” is absurd over here in Europe, I can’t imagine what this would’ve done to me as a child if I had been told on a daily basis that strangers are out to get me.
Tl;dr it’s probably culture dependent
I personally have mad bo staff skills. I fear no man. Grizzly’s scare me, but no man.
There are shittons of rape & murder fantasy communities with secretly taken & stolen pictures on porn & snuff websites, on the snuff websites there’s unfortunately also real stuff.
This is something I really didn’t want to know. I wouldn’t want to walk in the shoes of my gf honestly just judging from the amount of harassment she faces in liberal, progressive western cities by men of all age & skin color (need to say this nowadays unfortunately). Add to that being physically inferior that creates a sense of being constantly threatened. Also, they are targeted specifically because they are women and femicide is a real, bad issue.
Not disagreeing that anyone could be affected, just saying I can easily walk at night because no one would target me specifically for being a man.
Clearly you’ve never been jumped lol. It’ll give you a whole new perspective on the world and walking around alone as a guy.
I find it gross that you referred to your own girlfriend as “physically inferior”. I think the better term is physically at a disadvantage.
Since you’re talking to a complete stranger on an anonymous platform it makes no sense to make any assumptions like that.
English is not my first language, in case that was an offensive formulation I apologize.
But your response definitely makes me question your intentions.
I apologizing for assuming. You said something along the lines of “nobody would jump be just because I’m a man” which tells me you haven’t been assaulted by random guys before in your life. They absolutely will jump you for no reason regardless of your gender. I posted those exact statistics in my first comment.
And the word “inferior” has a negative connotation connected to it. You usually use it to describe something that is worse in every way. For example: “I only use zip lock bags because other plastic resealable bag brands are all inferior”.
Your comment about your girlfriend taken at face value came across very sexist. Which is all we can do without knowing someone, how was I supposed to know English is your second language? You use better punctuation than me and it’s the only language I know lol.
I think you’ve misunderstood. The commenter is not saying that random attacks don’t happen to men, that’s obviously true. But those attacks won’t target you specifically because you are male, which is an additional justification for violence that women have to deal with. I’d argue it’s even more common than women being targeted randomly - or even that random muggings/assaults are actually random. I mean, who’s jumping people that they think are a threat?
What those statistics do not take into account is the different incidence rates of men/women being out alone at night.
Because women feel more afraid going out into the dark alone, they’re less likely to do so, creating less opportunities for them to be robbed/raped/killed.
To make an analogy:
What are my chances to drown in the sea if I never go swimming in the sea? 0% chance.
What if I go swimming once a week, with a risk of drowning of 0.5% each time I do so: then there’s ~23% chance that I’ll drown by the end of the year.
What if go swimming twice a year, but because I’m such an amateur the chance that I drown is 5%: there is ~10% chance that I drown by the end of the year.
Conclusion: even though it is 10x more dangerous for the inexperienced swimmer to go swimming in the sea, in a given year the experienced swimmer is still 2.3 times more likely to drown in the sea than the inexperienced one.
You write like you are disagreeing with something in this post, in your own small pathetic way. But I fail to see what part of the post you are disagreeing with
Wow. That is a whole lot of getting your undies in a wad over a meme that does NOT exclude any gender feeling this way.
You brought a bunch of bias to this one. Might want to look into why that is
username checks out
I dunno feels to me like you’re the one getting upset about his post and not vice versa.
That’s a lot of not making a point. The girl in the OP is still worried about walking at night and the most common threat to a woman in that situation is still men. You didn’t counterpoint any of that, so it is just you shouting into the wind about stuff no one is talking about. Cool.
Here’s one. In my area, statistically I’m more likely to be physically assaulted by an african american male than anyone else, does that make it ok for me to post things like “I can’t go walking at night because some black men like to murder?” Clearly NO, because I’ve simply added one demographic factor, that is still statistically more likely to attack me, and that makes it racist. Just because I am more likely to be attacked by a black guy because of the actions of a small subset of that demographic doesn’t mean it’s ok to treat every one of them as an attacker, and I’d argue the same goes for race agnostic “men” generalizations based on a small subset of that demographic either, even though statistically an attacker is more likely to be a man as well.
But it is not because of being women per se. Women are an easier target to get robbed for example…
I always use statistics to consider who I watch out on the street
Forget about it, there’s no talking or reasoning with man-haters
It’s going to be fun when the GenderKKK attacks these male-feminists, because they’re men
These people are the most annoying ones. Yet they hate to be called feminazis. And I know why is this: because it is SO ACCURATE.
Annoying ? Try dangerous & disgusting
It’s amazing you get negatives just because that stats aren’t looking so well for that. Sorry but as always these chihuahuas getting negatives without counterarguments is the most annoying part…