As far as I’m aware WS is pretty close to what you get by just using virtalbox (with an easier setup) so you could do that on Linux. With Linux you also have more advanced solutions though like
As far as I’m aware WS is pretty close to what you get by just using virtalbox (with an easier setup) so you could do that on Linux. With Linux you also have more advanced solutions though like
One way to hide it for Firefox users.
<p class="not-firefox-warning">
This site is designed for <a href="">Firefox</a>,
a web browser that respects your privacy.
@-moz-document url-prefix() { .not-firefox-warning { display: none; }}
Have you tried ?
This works in Chrome as well, also this is a nice (firefox) addon to go along with it so you can select text and right click to use one of your keywords.
You can also combine it with bookmarklets for more advanced things like
Which lets you search the current site using google.
Doubt it
The other messages are not the same and an automated response would be posted faster.
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