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Joined 7 months ago
Cake day: March 21st, 2024

  • i’ve been using hyprland for six month, and even the nickname of the author i’ve discovered today solely because of you. You’re not giving him much publicity by using his wm on your pc, which i doubt has been seen by more than dozen people. You’re giving him publicity by calling him out on the effing internet. And tell you what, black PR is also a PR.

    Not to mention that voxry is already quite public, therefore if he hasn’t apologized yet, he won’t ever, because, just by the theory of big numers, there were people to tell him to apologize. Also, imo, forced apology won’t do shit.

    Maybe someday he’ll recognize his mistake, but it won’t be relevant anymore.

    1. Hyprland is free, ergo i won’t support the author if i use it.
    2. If your assumption is the case, then the original commenter is kinda a jerk themself as i said
    3. If you think that my last comment is written in the support of the hyprland’s author, you’re wrong. I don’t support turbowafflz, for they’re supposedly tell me what to do, while bringing non-obligatory negative in my life, also those actions i “must do” are nonsensical. But don’t be mistaken, i’m not supporting vaxry either. It’s just so that i can still appreciate a splendid job, even if the dude making it is mean particularily towards me for instance.

    We all are a jerks to someone, we all behave childish sometimes like turbowafflz with their maximalism or vaxry which can’t say a plain fucking “sorry”, and that’s allright, everyone has right to be wrong, because otherwise life becomes a minefield, and you don’t know that, but you’ve already tripped, and your guts are already all over the place. Life is already dreadful enough without this.

  • CheesyFox@lemmy.sdf.orgtoUnixporn@lemmy.ml[Hyprland] first time with hyprland
    18 days ago

    so what’s your point? Are you telling not to use hyprland? Or are you telling people here to harass him for his wrongdoings? Maybe not, but it kinda looks like it. And makes you look like a jerk. Maybe not as big of a jerk, i don’t know, but the ratio of jerks to normal people rises anyway.

    And yeah, not using something bc the author is an asshole is a dumb and childish paradigm, especially concidering that said author literally won’t lose anything from that.

    I might’ve sounded a little harsh, sorry if that’s the case, but i hate that internet nowadays is a negetive-driven thing. I came here for some cute animal pictures, cool linux rises and some funny memes, and here we are at the reminder that yet another guy did something wrong. Can we, like, have less of the last one, more of the three other things?

  • CheesyFox@lemmy.sdf.orgtoMemes@lemmy.mlBacon tho
    2 months ago

    good point. i don’t kill them though, silly, there are people to do it for me.

    Also, unlike us, animals eat literal grass which does not require all kinds of fossil fuel machines, tons of earth-polluting pesticides, you know, stuff like that. Also we don’t need to exterminate trees in order to be able to herd them, you know, that long things sticking up from the ground, producing oxygen, green all the spring, summer, and even autumn, unlike wheat and stuff.

  • CheesyFox@lemmy.sdf.orgtoMemes@lemmy.mlBacon tho
    2 months ago

    well duh. Not my point. It was just so funny that you actually used kinda the same rhetorics as meatlovers usually do.

    Anyway, i still wanna adress your arguments. We can live without meat in the same manner we can live without plants. Good luck on getting your minimal daily value of b12 or d3. You can always get them in the form of pills, too bad animals still will be hurt for that. Fatty acids and fats are important too, as the modern studies show (https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5577766/ ), what about them? My point is, you can have no meat in your diet just as you can have a meat only nutrition, both need to be adjusted with bioactive supplements.

    Also, since most guys here don’t know any better than simply to press the vote down button without actually answering, and you seem to be the one that actually wants to discuss the topic, may i ask you a question? How come that we blame meat industry, and i cite (surprisingly, from wikipedia page for meat), for global warming, pollution and biodiversity loss (last one actually surprised me), while it is our endless fields of wheat are the reason we have little to no forests where they were normal not so long ago, therefore less co2 being processed back into o2, and it is this very fields we cover in chemicals therefore the pollution and biodiversity loss. I mean, it almost seem like meat industry is just a handy target to blame, while certain guys can continue doing their business.

  • CheesyFox@lemmy.sdf.orgtoMemes@lemmy.mlBacon tho
    2 months ago

    If you care about CO2 that much, go strangle a billionaire or two, or, i don’t know, go change how our whole grocerie system works, because if you didn’t know, everything we find at stores is produced with great margin. Most of the product simply being destroyed simply to keep the prices where they are.

    I certainly don’t care about CO2. Why? “We all die”? No, silly, some of us will (both of us most certainly), but don’t underestimate our species’ adaptability. And you know what, it’s fucking beautiful because eight billion is a bit too much. That’s a perfect self regulation kinda thing.

    Its nonsense to eat that much meat. Once a month is perfectly fine.

    Its nonsence to eat such overprocessed food as some of you vegans do i could say. Not that i would mean it. All I’m saying, the amount of any type of food is a matter of personal preference, And since we both live at the time when we could afford such a luxurious thing as an ability to choose what to eat, and not just consume whatever we were able to find/produce, i would like to try to enjoy this little bliss. Fuck you guys for even attempting to ruin it for me, and then telling me what to do, you brave don quixotes fighting your imaginary windmills.

  • CheesyFox@lemmy.sdf.orgtoMemes@lemmy.mlBacon tho
    2 months ago

    yeah, yummy meat. I like it a lot. Sometimes i salt it than dry it myself, and god, does it taste delicious. I might be bothered by the cruelty of all this meat industry, but guess what, if i were to choose, i’d rather be a farm pig. Anything actually that does not comprehend the cruelty of this reality, and i’m not talking about farms here. Also, unlike most of us they go away quickly.

    P.S. fyi, latest studies show that plants might also feel the pain. Sorry to disappoint you guys, but it seems like we are just doomed to bring more suffering in this world. You better find a way to cope with this before it became more researched.

  • making food into a “marketable shape” so it will encourage your target audience to make an immature purchase. Immature purchases because of the product look (that being of the product your audience does not even consume lol) and not its let’s say more essential properties is not a sign of high intellect per say.

    making food into a shape that suggests certain ways of cooking implies your audience does not know how to cook fucking feta cheese or whatever your product is and that they can’t read whats written on your product’s label / google some recipes.

    fucking genious

    I mean, i’m not vegan, but if i were one i would refrain from bying the ultraprocessed food that made of one thing but trying to visually resemble another. Most of all the ultraprocessed part here is what will push me away of course, especially that afaik some extent of vegans chose to be one because meat is not eco friendly.