This is the proletariat view of the world.
For anyone who isn’t just a common wage worker and is aware of how markets work, it is very definitely not the case.
A cog in the machine cannot perceive the machine’s changing output.
This is the proletariat view of the world.
For anyone who isn’t just a common wage worker and is aware of how markets work, it is very definitely not the case.
A cog in the machine cannot perceive the machine’s changing output.
I think that’s a different discussion.m. We can make excuses all day for how people end up with extreme views. It doesn’t change anything. The reason it occurs is part of human nature, a weakness that one has to choose to overcome on a daily basis or not. Choosing wrong too often and there might be no way back.
I find this most evident in people who suddenly shift right when they end up in some sex scandal, they move towards the group that is most forgiving of such events and lose themselves in the shift. Russel Brand and Musk are two examples.
Knowledge seeking for the sake of knowledge seeking is something totally different. It requires accepting one knows nothing and despite all the knowledge gather now knows less. It requires a humility that can be uncomfortable.
Few end up adding significant new knowledge. Those who do maintain a humbleness as the recognize the efforts who came before them.
Those who pretend become exploiters, it takes little effort to reveal their search was only ever for loopholes. Those people are another form of extremist.
Stupid people don’t know how stupid they are. They reject the very notion. It’s how one stays stupid in a world with all the world’s knowledge at our fingertips.
Turns out access to knowledge was not a threat to the leaders in history. The very idea they were concerns may be oversold.
Why is android superior then iOS, why, and how is it safer then iOS
It isn’t superior or safer. Whatever you did to your phone to install spyware will not project you any bette by using android.
I’m not even sure what you could have installed that would break out of the app sandbox. It’s likely to I have some device management profile installed, but even that seems unlikely. It’s also possible your phone compromised but that’s typically requires a state level attack.
I’m actually leaning towards drug use or carbon monoxide poisoning. Yeah, it is that weird and you sound that paranoid.
Microsoft and Nvidia are investing but they are both positioned to gain a return on investment by cloud hosting and hardware sales respectively.
Apple dropping out indicates they saw behind the curtain, did the math and realized they can create their own platform for less.
There is no path to profitability for them. Unlike other recent billion dollar tech companies there are no human workers to squeeze. Hardware doesn’t work for less than minimum wattage.
Or a mini loaf pan at half the price and twice the capacity.
See the above comment for an example of how America became a failed a state and why it will remain as such.
Agreed. I think moderating comments needs to be banished. The community can self-moderate with voting.
Banning users is pointless. Accounts can be created very easily. With decentralized one doesn’t even need to go to the lengths one does with Reddit.
Moderating should be reserved for keeping a sub’s posts relevant to the group’s purpose and nothing else.
Based on the dark humor groups on Facebook, I am quite confident this is what racists actually believe. Transphobes too.
The poorly educated think dark humor is a joke an acceptable way to joke about ideas they hate.
When a study linking dark humor to intelligence was released, the knuckle draggers clucked and strutted about, thinking their hatred indicated intelligence.
What’s the test for Linux user’s fantasizes moral superiority?
“Always code as if the guy who ends up maintaining your code will be a violent psychopath who knows where you live.”
I assure you, I put no effort into being an internet fuckwad.
Like those kindergartens.
Vegans need to downvote anyone that disagrees when them is proof their ideas cannot stand scrutiny. They do not relish in a debate of in any capacity. They don’t even have original ideas, it’s the same couple talking points because it’s ideology base. They call themselves converts but won’t accept it’s a religion.
I’m sure you perceive it that way, as you already said you perceive being a threat. You appear to take pride in it.
Couldn’t be less threatened by you. Your abstinence reduces price competition for meat products. You are restricting yourself such that it benefits me.
The real threat in this regard are the boomers who eat more meat products than other generations.
I feel I should donate a quarter head of beef to a local food pantry in your name as tribute and to show there are no ill feelings. At least from me. I doubt you feel the same towards me.
Nope. Vegans are fine. Veganist like you are religious nut jobs. You’ve created narratives and then act like anyone who doesn’t agree with you is the bad guy. Not unlike the far right or any other extremist group.
That feeling of your existence being a threat is the same feeling any other authoritarian feels.
Ignoring the humor of this to throw down to facts.
There are brownie pans that have multiple cells such that each brownie is a single serving with four edges. Basically a cupcake pan but with squares.
This is only 2-3 edges per brownie; an inferior experience.
Sounds like projection. Probably just got back from meeting with his Russian handlers and posted this to sooth their impotent rage.
Has he actually said he’d pardon anyone but himself?
I don’t anticipate him doing anything that doesn’t benefit himself based on his previous behavior.