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Cake day: July 1st, 2023

  • This is the correct perspective. As it turns out, a huge amount of people that believe Bill Gates is injecting 5G chips into people absolutely don’t vote. If you recall, the first amendment nuts in the loser convoys and a bunch of the J6 defendants weren’t even registered to vote and yet they screeched election interference. For an election they didn’t even bother to vote in.

    2020 was one of the highest blue voter turnouts in national history making record first time voters in their 30s and 40s.

    So yes, it should be pointed out that everyday people turning out to vote against this brain rot is just as important whether or not magats and human vegetables are voting too.

  • While I totally agree with you, this meme isn’t referring to college text books. It’s referring to school supplies and clothes for elementary school children.

    The vast majority of public schools in the US are severely underfunded and don’t have enough supplies like markers, disinfectant, crayons, pencils, etc to provide kids and teachers don’t make very much money, yet they often come out of pocket to buy supplies. What has happened as a result, is parents have to purchase many of these supplies to send to school with their kids for the whole classroom to have the items they need. I have three kids in kindergarten and second grade. Their school supply lists were about $150 each. With creative shopping for sales, we managed to get everything about $150 cheaper than listed. We are waiting for the tax-free weekend to buy clothes for all of them.

    Gotta love the good ol’ US of A and it’s hatred of the poors.

  • One of the more mischievous kids in my third grade class was the son of the high school chem teacher. He purchased a chemistry set at the book fair that year. He and another kid took it into the bathroom by the cafeteria and drank a few “experiments” from the kit in the box. They both got violently sick and an ambulance came. I’m really glad I stuck with my Box Car Children collection and Calvin and Hobbes book mark that year.

  • Indeed. It has a lot to do with that and about a dozen other things. Degree. Job field. Connections. Experience. Personality.

    I have a general comms degree and an MA in digital media. These degrees and my job field are extremely broad, so I have experience in loads of different things. As such, I can apply for any job from digital marketing to public relations to a press officer and have a shot of at least getting an interview. I’ve never had a shortage of knowing people in my industry who would be willing to write me a letter of recommendation or give me a referral where they work. I’ve gotten one of my colleagues hired at two separate places that I have been a manager.

    But to add on to that, I interview well and have a very relaxed and jovial personality. I work well with others and make friends easily. I can’t count how many times there have been interoffice issues where an independent consultant had to come in and mediate or get to the bottom of an HR problem and it would turn out that I’m one of the only people in a division that not a single person had a conflict with.

  • Not to derail your point, but I am 100% positive that the meme isn’t saying Barbie is a bad movie at all. This meme isn’t near as deep as you’re giving it credit for.

    It’s making the observation that Hollywood has eroded its creative foundation to the point that there have only been two movies that anyone is talking about this year. Whereas in years past there would be dozens.

    I have certainly noticed that over the last few years I care less and less about yet another Marvel movie or remake of an awesome 80s or 90s movie. It’s extremely obvious why masterful productions like Barbie and Oppenheimer stand out above everything else this year. These would have been great movies in the 90s too, but they would have actually been competing against substantially more films that are worth talking about.

  • Still kicking but…somehow not the same. It’s something I can’t quite explain. There’s just something different about it now. I had to look something up on Reddit a couple of days ago. It was the first time I’d been back since they killed all the third party apps. It reminded me of going back to a city I used to live but my friends were all gone and my favorite places to go had changed. So, while it was the same place, and there were plenty of people around, it seemed exhausted and forced.

  • The guy that is one of the main creators of Twitter, Jack Dorsey, made Bluesky. It’s a Twitter alternative that I believe is still invite only. It’s funny, when Bluesky officially started allowing people to use it, Twitter was abuzz with excitement and people posting memes about begging for access. Those select few that did get in early were going on and on about how awesome it is and how it was like old Twitter.

    Then Threads drops without the invite barrier automatically adding everyone with an Instagram account and I haven’t heard a fuckin peep about Bluesky in weeks.

  • For me it was the default option when I was trying to figure out how to create a login. When I googled “how to sign up for Lemmy” world was the top search result. Before signing up, I had a basic understanding of how this this worked from when I tried out Mastadon. I had read that it mattered way less which instance you chose because most of them spoke to each other unlike Mastadon, which was a big reason Mastadon failed to hold my interest. Since the instance doesn’t really matter, world was simply the easiest choice. I signed up, and downloaded the Connect app since it looks the most like Bacon Reader. So far everything works, makes sense, and I’m really enjoying everything!!

  • It’s honestly extremely humorous. I made a Twitter account in 2015 because it was a requirement for a emergency management crisis communications class I was taking for work. After the course ended I didn’t log into it again until Musk bought Twitter. I knew it was going to be a hilarious dumpster fire and wanted to watch it melt down in real time. It hasn’t disappointed. But this most recent thing about the rate limits is so hilariously dumb I figured I’d seen enough. Deleted the app off my phone yesterday.

    As you point out, Twitter’s death is going to mean a huge improvement to journalism. Someone on Lemmy mentioned yesterday how nice it is to not be on Reddit which had gotten to be like 80% Twitter screenshots. Twitter and Reddit diving like this at the same time is going to be a net positive.

  • I’m curious as to where OP has seen people complaining that karma doesn’t exist here. I’ve been here a couple days now and have seen nothing but support from other Reddit refugees with how Lemmy is organized. I guess it’s anecdotal on my part, but I would assume that anyone leaving Reddit right now has been frustrated and fed up with most of not all the platform’s features, including the karma system, for a long time, and that the lack of karma here is an enormous selling point.