Is there a reason I’m seeing someone mention Rimworld in multiple unrelated posts?
Is there a reason I’m seeing someone mention Rimworld in multiple unrelated posts?
I embarrassingly bought into the gamepass fantasy. I thought that we would start seeing more smaller and experimental experiences, better quality control for bigger titles. I thought that it would allow developers to have a piece of mind, a steady income and job security. When a few of my favourite developers were bought up I was happy for them, that they could feel a sense of stability. Now if a dev gets bought by Microsoft I now worry for their future and I can’t imagine being employed by them. I just hope the one who have been played off can find their footing.
I mean unless it’s another lie they now exist to clean up their mess
Yes, by definition it’s a advertisement.
You know sometimes jokes fall flat
Nothing about a poor game releasing at the beginning of the year says anything about the year as a whole.
Stop being elitist about Linux, the amount of times I’ve had to explain that none of my software runs great on Linux just to have to hear how with trouble shooting it will. My work depends on the use of my software, it’s collaborative. If I have to trouble shoot every time adobe or Ableton updates it’s a bad use of my time and is actively taking time away from projects. Only I use VSTs for music production, they all work perfectly in windows and MacOS. Linux? Hit or miss.
Maybe I’m convinced. Now I gotta find the right one, set it up. Get all my software working, learn a new UI, hope that it doesn’t break collaboration. All in all, not worth the little I would save.
Killer hugs though