“I only use butter from cows that were fed nothing but butter their whole lives!”
“I only use butter from cows that were fed nothing but butter their whole lives!”
I personally agree, but there’s always a whale that fucks it up for the rest of us.
Another zinger!
And “shag?” Really? You can curse on the fucking Internet, Mr. Powers.
Hey hey Felix! Back with your shit takes again, i see!
Another way of seeing it is they’re pissed about a service not working as advertised.
Examples for your reading comprehension impaired self:
So I look at their docs and they state that safari should be able to play 4k full quality (yk, the thing I’m fucking paying for)
On Netflix’s own fcking website it states that edge should be able to play 4k no issue
Obviously they’re the stupid ones for simply believing what the company stated. Next time they’ll know to ask you for your input first!