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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: October 7th, 2023


  • I’m trying to play it but I’m whatever appeal the game has for millions of people is somehow lost on me. I play Minecraft, Factorio, Valheim, Project Zomboid etc., having all the fun with exploration, combat, base building, loot hoarding and roleplaying but I can’t find fun in any of these aspects in Terraria, maybe except exploration.

    Looting has QoL stuff like quick stack to all nearby chests, but with the amount of vanity and variety items in the game, it feels like one would be better off with using whatever there is currently and not even using a base. Decoration and furniture, along with all the random material or unknown-purpose items possibly being just another form of decoration could have been properly annotated or colored imo.

    Base building is rather frustrating with how the block distribution of any desirable chunks other than dirt or stone is scattered all around the place, with too much unnecessary mining going on.

    For combat, sure there are quite a variety of weapons with different mechanics, but after a while they do boil down to melee, ranged and magic with seeker missiles, and the whole weapon rarity and weapon types thing quickly boils down to having mostly the same tier or worse tier stuff clogging inventory.

    Exploration can be fun with the gravity being the main movement influencer and tools to traverse are nice. Most biomes have a good feeling of exploration progression, but after going down to a biome once, it feels like there is nothing else to expect from the same biome somewhere else.

    Roleplaying with like 9-pixel characters and maybe some pets is just an unmentionable aspect I guess.

    Hard mode looks like it offers more than pre-Hardmode, but I’m not sure if there is anything to do after grinding the base ores and then hunting specific sets or weapons.

    The arena thing looks very much fun once then just nothing else.

    Back to the looting topic, all the crafting benches and combinations and transmutations and terraforming is just completely unintuitive and a slog that requires checking the wiki constantly. Probably the most boring part of the game for me. In comparison, completing Valheim by going in totally blind was the most intuitive and fun exploration+combat+item progression I ever had, and that game also does not have any in-game progress trees or tutorials either.

    What am I missing with Terraria?

  • Switched from the default win10 mail app to thunderbird about a year ago when the mail app started forcibly updating to the outlook and broke some shit on my windows installation to use a whole lot of resources. I quite liked the old mail app of the windows, but Thunderbird is quite enough of a replacement at default settings and much more customizable after fiddling. K9 has no difference than Gmail on default settings, either.

  • I’m thinking this comes from the consideration of taking imagery at the root of people’s brains when they hear Linux. Reiterating elements of the Windows or Mac UI over the decades, even if they had small visual changes, enable a significantly large population of the world to imagine the desktop even just while mentioned in a passing. Anyone that doesn’t use either of these OSes at least can have a basic imagery popping up about it due to constant advertising of the desktop via direct ads, support pages, tech websites using generic desktop images, screen shares, etc.

    Linux is wild west in this regard. Everyone knows how Windows or MacOS looks like thanks to their abundant copies of descriptive bounty posters, but only other Linux users are familiar with other Linux desktops and that is usually as the names of fellow bounty hunters.

  • Thanks for the detailed explanation about publicly traded companies, but what I wonder is the privately owned ones being forced to sell out, if there is such a thing.

    For example, lets say Proton is owned by a few shareholders or just one, and it is not openly traded unless the shareholders make personal agreements to sell out or anything like that. If Google came with a truckload of cash and told these shareholders to sell their shares to Google, can they simply refuse the offer no matter how big is the pile of cash or the benefits of the offer, or do they have to find a legal reason to keep their shares? I mean, even the question sounds stupid and the answer should be “yeah you can just keep your share and run the company however you like, as long as you don’t go public listing”, but with all the concerns about the buyouts talked all around this last few years, the premise looks like it is hard to hold out.

  • What is this buying out talked about something not escapable if not some legal reorganization is made? It has been being talked about other companies, too, and it sounds like if you have a form of a company, you can’t legally refuse monetary offers from someone to buy your company.

    Is there such a legal mechanism that forces an owner to sell out if an offer is made, or is this more about proofing a company against CEO/shareholder personal sell out decision?