How? There were enough women how felt presured and for some it was clear what’s going to happen so they needn’t to be “convinced”.
How? There were enough women how felt presured and for some it was clear what’s going to happen so they needn’t to be “convinced”.
Nope. That’s pretty save to say. Just the leagal chareges are dropped. It is proven that the castings happend and sex happend. How much the women knew what they are casted for may differ from each instance and how much they felt presured.
Interaction through a medium is social media i guess. But i wouldn’t call ist that. Lemmy, WhatsApp and YouTube aren’t really social media for me. I don’t throw personal stuff into the void of people i more or less don’t know in hope to get likes.
That’s basicly three songs and it’s not typical for deathcore. Still an awsome band.
You can generate money with a car or a farm. The whole problem with capitalism is getting money without working because you let people work with your stuff. So owning a car and use ist as a taxi is fine with communism. Having a taxi company is not. But you can form a taxi company with others. The difference is no one has financial power over others. No one just profits because he/she is the owner. There are people in charge but they are in charge because they have the knowledge and ability not just because they own everything and can do what they want.
Dont confuse authoritarian with fashism.
“Can normal people who just don’t like being tread on not have anything”
Ask the white supremesists if you can have it back
The one with more money will most likely win. They have better marketing, lawers, and ereryting else to outcompete every upcoming buissnes. The moment the small competetor has a real chnce they wave with enough money to make you quit. And why wouldn’t you? You work for moneyafter all. How can you determine the actuall demand if you don’t have the numbers with no way to get them?
There is no free market and there has never been one.
No source, so it is all lies.