If you can’t Google, you probably can’t use the software either.
If you can’t Google, you probably can’t use the software either.
Ok? And?
Look at his post history and you’ll know why.
Is googling it or trying it not possible?
Switched last year. If you’d rather write a page of text whining instead of leaning how to use Google, let alone anything harder… Just use Windows. Nobody cares, especially in this tiny community. You’ve already nailed the problem and nobody wants to interest the time trying to make you barely competent at life, let alone be some stupid free Linux coach.
You could solve any of these problems in like 30 seconds of googling it. But here you are instead.
If you weren’t capable of using Google to find basic information, then I don’t think you’re capable of following the directions someone gives you here.
Is that really your best highlight?
Maybe but if you can’t use Google you won’t be able to use them either.