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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023


  • I am all about keeping it sustainable; nobody has willpower longterm. Any fool can come up with a diet of rabbit food and have amazing results for a month before their brain goes postal on them and they start inhaling cheeseburgers nonstop. Trust me, I totally get that. We always attribute vast reserves of motivation and discipline to ourselves that we just don’t have, and the results aren’t pretty.

    But on the other side of the coin, your brain can get stuck in a short-term reward loop, and it howls blue murder when you first try to break out of it.

    I’m an stress-eater and a boredom-eater, and if the loop gets out of control, not constantly snacking becomes stressful in and of itself, and yeah that’s a complete trainwreck.

    But what I’ve found is that after a surprisingly short time of acclimating yourself to controlled amounts of hunger, you can break that loop. Your brain re-learns the difference between not-full and actually-need-calories, and only sees the latter as a problem.

    What started out feeling like a catastrophe that you had to white-knuckle through just turns into a boring fact that takes little to no willpower at all to put up with at all.

    It’s a really good investment of effort, and makes the whole process a lot easier.

  • My siblings and I were raised by an abusive narcissist who spent most of her free time screaming at my dad, when she wasn’t emotionally abusing and neglecting us.

    But of course the cultural narrative was that men are only and always abusers, and women are only and always abused - so we normalised it; our whole reality bent around the notion that she was the poor innocent beleagured victim just doing her best to survive.

    We took a vast amount of damage because an interpretation where she was the abuser simply wasn’t available to us - instead of forming defenses against her, we rendered ourselves more vulnerable.

    I don’t take kindly to being told to go fix women’s problems first before mine will matter.

  • oh ffs, don’t be pedantic. It provides a desktop environment, if you select one - we use xfce as best of the bunch.

    My point isn’t the window manager, it’s the whole ecosystem. It’s the million little hidden folders clogging up your home directory, it’s the haphazard set of default graphical apps that get installed, it’s having to fuck around to get dbus running by default for the handful of applications that silently timeout and die without it, it’s having to delete lockfiles for users after a crash, it’s the general production values of a 90s shareware cdrom.

    Just imagine trying to get general admin staff set up with that, and trying to support them - It’d be as horrible and painful as trying to set up developers or your network infrastructure under windows.

    And at the end of the day, 90% of the things you need your desktop environment for are admin-staff kinds of tasks. Poking around on the web, mail, media, printing (and of course video games), which are just better and easier without the all propeller-hat shit.

  • Yes, linux is terrible on the desktop.

    I’ve worked in a Linux shop for the last 20 years, we provide a desktop-linux environment (latest debian) for thousands of users, and even with dedicated professionals managing it, the UX is just hilariously terrible by modern standards, right across the board.

    My god that’s the perfect metaphor: it’s the desktop-experience version of PHP. No one thing is particularly broken in and of itself, but the set of all of them together… SMH.

    I refuse to deal with it on a daily basis for file-print-web-email stuff; I use a Windows box as my desktop machine, and just SSH or VNC into the backend for the actual sysadmin part of my job. OSX is usable too, but I just don’t like it.

    To be absolutely clear: Linux is the only sane choice for backend services or development; no normal person would willingly subject themselves to Windows for either of those purposes. But for the box you physically plug your mouse into, using linux is sheer masochism.

  • I’ve been playing Mass Effect: Andromeda, which I got on sale recently, and man does it ever suck.

    All the charm and fun and engagement has been surgically removed from the series. Your squad is dull and bland, the choices-matter don’t, the mechanics are tedious, looting and crafting are even hollower than normal and the fake Australian accents on the Boring Fish People are pissing me right off. It’s the worst factory-farmed content I’ve encountered in ages. Oh and getting voice lines every 30 seconds to update you on the temperature, that’s just brilliant I wish every game had that.

  • To be clear, there’s nothing wrong with using female as an adjective.

    Calling someone a female customer / politician / patient / etc is perfectly fine and normal.

    The problem comes when you use it as a noun.

    Think of calling someone “a gay”, “a black” or “a Chinese”.

    You just don’t use adjectives-as-nouns to refer to people, apart from a very limited set of exceptions.

    Instead you talk about a gay, black or Chinese person.

    The same goes for ‘female’.

    And since there’s already a word for ‘female person’ - ie. ‘woman’ - then going out of your way to avoid it makes you sound like a raging incel.