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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 14th, 2023

  • Yep, but the states with sales tax get tired of getting cheated out of their tax revenue. The specific example where I saw this was a major hardware store chain in Oregon (no sales tax) right near the border of Washington (6.5% sales tax). They asked everyone “Washington or Oregon” at the register and checked ID for anyone who said Oregon.

    Quick search says that Washington considers it a “sales and use” tax, so anything purchased out of state, but intended for use in Washington is supposed to be taxed. Kinda messed up, really.

  • People always forget about the lurkers. Most people with less-informed, more impressionable views on a given topic aren’t posting and debating, they’re reading and learning (despite the unfortunate exceptions). Seeing some wacko extremist nonsense or voter suppression tactic go unchallenged by a more reasonable argument may be enough to sway a not-yet-fanatic in the wrong direction.

  • And Obama broke the legal Occupy Wall Street protests and killed civilians in Yemen with drone strikes. So he takes the title instead? “Most progressive” is a comparative qualification, and he does not need to BE a progressive to take the title.

    While I agree that the strike shouldn’t have been broken and that the rail workers should have the right to stop as much work as they control in order to make their demands heard, Biden also became the first president to walk a picket line during that strike and ultimately got the rail workers a deal that their unions all were reportedly happy with. He may not be everything you want, but he IS the most pro-union president of my lifetime. Again, not a high bar to clear. Recognize progress when it happens, even if it’s not your dream come true.

    Furthermore, with all the terrifying examples of actual rising fascism that surround us right now, don’t muddy the waters with BS like that. It just makes you look like a troll.

  • centrist constitutionalist

    One comment after you called Biden

    liberal socialist president

    You’re not a centrist. You’re either arguing in bad faith or unaware that you’ve already drank ALL the koolaid. You’re echoing every single Republican talking point and dismissing all evidence to the contrary without actually reading it.

    The infrastructure spending you’re being so dismissive of is a CRITICAL investment in our nation’s health that has been neglected by the last 50 years of for-profit governance and it passed with bipartisan support.

    Inflation is nuts all over the world and not even remotely within Biden’s control. Interest rates are high because of a) COVID and the related supply chain disruptions, b) extreme corporate greed and, c) corrections for years of Trump artificially suppressing the federal rate despite numerous advisors telling him it needed to be raised.

    If you’re genuinely concerned about the constitution and your rights, take a look at all the unconstitutional the things Trump has already explicitly said he would do if re-elected. There is no center position anymore. If you don’t oppose Trump, you support fascism.