• 3 Posts
Joined 1 month ago
Cake day: December 4th, 2024


  • If u think quoting a saying is a valid argument then that truly is mental illness

    If you think quoting a saying and then elaborating on how it applies isn’t a valid argument, then you’re either arguing in bad faith, dangerously obtuse, or both. Judging by your continuing insistence on labeling anyone who disagrees with your view insane, I’m gonna guess it’s both.

    Double think is one hell of a drug

    You clearly don’t know what double think means if you think distinguishing between two superficially similar but substantially different things is an example of double think.

    Thats a very interesting place to draw the line on free speach

    Yeah, I tend to draw the line just before intentional and unnecessary harm. I’m kooky like that 🙄

    Please explain where u draw the line on harmfull disinformation

    I already did. Very clearly.

    Also by the rules equality it doesnt matter if ur in a group of vulnerabile people in gonna treat u the same.

    That’s some bigotry- and victimization- justifying horseshit. Treating everyone equally does not mean treating respectful debate and othering abuse as equally valid.

    Words can be weapons and how and why they’re wielded matters just as much as with physical weapons.

    Again by rule of equallity i dont give a fuck what group u are im gonna be equallity offensive to u.

    That’s STILL not how equality works. You’re accidentally sorta right, though: your closed minded vitriol is loathsome and offensive to every decent person, not just the ones it victimizes.

    And here u are arguing that ur not mentally ill

    Nope. I’m arguing that not subscribing to your “free speech absolutism” nonsense is not proof of mental illness. Before diagnosing strangers for disagreeing with your warped perspective, maybe crack open a medical textbook or just a dictionary. Your definition of mental illness is histrionic and bigoted to say the least.

    U know what the extremely metallh ill oftem claim?

    Seriously. Look up what mental illness is. This willful ignorance shtick is not the principled stand you think it is. It’s idiocy typical of several different personality disorders (which I’m not armchair diagnosing you with and which isn’t the same thing as mental illness).

    I though the irony if if u responded would be pretty funny.

    You’re getting increasingly incoherent and once again showing ignorance of the actual meanings of words. Are you under the influence of any intoxicants or is this combination of belligerence and idiocy just how you always act?

    Whats the poiny of telling someone to fuck off if u dont mean to harm my feelings

    I DO mean to insult you and “harm your feelings”. You see, unlike the innocent people already being stigmatized and othered who you insist on antagonizing and condemning, you have actually CHOSEN to assign yourself the role of Devil’s Advocate to protect hate speech and thus deserve emotional harm that might make you less comfortable on your edgelord throne of bullshit.

    Are u excercising ur right to offend me?

    I am indeed. Bigots and their defenders aren’t a vulnerable and persecuted group.

    Ohh the irony.

    Seriously, just do a search for “irony definition”.

    Also if u reapond to any of this please explain where u draw thw line on harmfull disinformation

    Already did.

    (i feel we can have an actually productive conversation about that).

    Based on this and your initial comment, I highly doubt it, but I’ll give you one last reply to demonstrate that any of this is getting through to you. If your reply to this indicates that it hasn’t, I’ll consider you unreachable and stop wasting my time.

  • Thinking you have the right to free speach and expression while symultaniously expecting the right to silence anyone else exercising those very same rights.

    I would classify that as hypocritical

    The saying “my freedom to swing my fist ends where your nose begins” would apply here.

    There’s nothing hypocritical about being for free speech that doesn’t harm anyone while simultaneously being against harmful disinformation and othering of vulnerable groups of people.

    Much less when you yourself belong to one of those groups and are being attacked and othered.

    if someone where to genuinely believe it i would call that mental illness.

    Just couldn’t help yourself, could you? You just HAD to use the trope of the bigots yourself. You can fuck right off with that hateful shit.