He strikes me as one of those clowns who buys a ton of bitcoin as their prep.
He strikes me as one of those clowns who buys a ton of bitcoin as their prep.
illegallysmolcats. There are not near enough cat pic subs. I NEED MORE CATS.
My baby Roxie when she was still a nugget: https://i.imgur.com/rFQWMgK.jpg
She’s 2 now and still pretty smol at 7 pounds: https://i.imgur.com/00qeUVP.jpg
Gonna work on reducing my reddit use while I find enough places here to fill all those little brain-itch niches.
Hopefully phase out reddit eventually. But not immediately.
Ok so far. Only complaint is posts moving when new posts get added while I’m in the middle of scrolling. It’s a little clunky.
illegallySmolCats, furniturerestoration, visiblemending. I love cat pictures and diy type shit.
Might have been created since the last time i searched. Thank you.