That just makes people want to use Twitter less, won’t it? Unless there’s some grand strategist-levels Masterplan behind this that I’m simply too stupid to fathom? I already use less of Twitter since he owned it, and I may even just cut it off now. It’s such a shame too because it’s one way for content creators to reach out to their community aside from Discord… I personally use Twitter a lot to notify people when I’m going live, etc. but with this change there might not even be a point anymore because I absolutely refuse to sign up for Twitter Blue.
Really hoping my country doesn’t follow suit to this. I can get a seat in a nice cinema with big seats that can become a bed with a push of the button for only 10 usd (which includes free popcorn!). Did you perhaps pay using a Credit Card? From my experience every time I buy stuff online like bus tickets which you usually buy at their booth, I have to pay extra for the “convenience”.