• 9 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023


  • deepdive@lemmy.worldtoLinux@lemmy.mlJust moved to Linux: a follow up
    10 months ago

    Heyha ! Read about dd on makeuseof after reading your post, to see how it works.

    Restoring from an image seems exactly what I was looking for as a full backup restore.

    However this kind of 1 command backup isn’t going to work on databases (mariadb, mysql…). How should I procede with my home directory where all my containers live and most of them having running databases?

    Does it work with logical volumes? Is it possible to copy evrything except /home of the logical volumes?

  • This post was about browsers but my feelings when I wrote It was a more general “conclusion”. I only found out recently about some “hidden” privacy concerns with browsers (WebRTC leaking your real ip, fonts fingreprinting…) But when I found out about android’s default keyboard sending samples, IOT weaknesses, smart devices data hoarding… It really feels like a losing battle while being connected to the world…

  • Do not overthink they want to know about you everything.

    That’s true, they probably already have everything they need… It’s not only about my personal data, and my example only points out to the web technology, but everywhere around us are some data hoarding devices that are either used to targeted ads, campaign, profiling, IA dataset feeding… whatever !

    It feels like we already lost our right to privacy and how personal data, telemetry is used as a whole in our society…

  • Strange enough TLS 1.3 still doesn’t support signed ed25519 certificates :| P‐256, NIST P‐384 or NIST P‐521 curves are known to be “backdoored” or having deliberately chosen mathematical weakness. I’m not an expert and just a noob security/selfhoster enthusiast but I don’t want to depend on curves made by NSA or other spy agencies !

    I also wondering if the EU isn’t going to implement something similar with all their new spying laws currently discussed…

  • Certificate chain of trust: I assume you’re talking about PKI infrastructure and using root CAs + Derivative CAs? If yes, then I must note that I’m not planning to run derivative CAs because it’s just for my lab and I don’t need that much of infrastructure.

    An intermediate CA could potentially be useful, but isn’t really needed in self-signed CA. But in case you have to revoke your rootCA, you have to replace that certificate on all your devices, which can become a lot of hassle if you share that trusted root CA with family/friends. By having a intermediate CA and hiding your root CAs private key somewhere offline, you could take away that overheat by just revoking the intermediate CA and updating the server certificate with the newly signed Intermediate bundle and serving that new certificate through the proxy. (Hope that makes sense? :|)

    I do not know what X.509 extensions are and why I need them. Could you tell me more?

    This will probably give you some better explanation than I could :| I have everything written in a markdown file, and reading through my notes I remember I had to put some basic constraints TRUE in my certificates to make them work on my android root store ! Some are necessary to make your root CA work properly (like CA:True). Also if you want SAN certificates (multidomaine) you have to put them in your x509 extensions.

    ’m also considering client certificates as an alternative to SSO, am I right in considering them this way?

    Ohhh, I don’t know… I haven’t installed or used any SSO service and thinking of MFA/SSO with authelia in the future ! My guess would be that those are 2 different technologies and could work together? Having self-signed CA with a 2FA could possible work in a homelab but I have no idea how because I haven’t tested it out. But thinks to consider if you want clients certificates for your family/friends is to have a intermediate CA in case of revocation, you don’t have to replace the certificate in their root store every time you sign a new Intermediate CA.

    I’ll mention that I plan to run an instance of HAProxy per podman pod so that I terminate my encrypted traffic inside the pod and exclusively route unencrypted traffic through local host inside the pod.

    I have no idea about HAProxy and podman and how they work to encrypt traffic. All my traffic passes through a wireguard tunnel to my docker containers/proxy which I consider safe enough? Listening to all my traffic with wireshark seamed to do exactly what I’m expecting but I’m not an expert :L So I cannot help you further on that topic. But I will keep your idea in my notes to see If there could be further improvement in my setup with HAProxy and podman compared to docker and traefik through wireguard tunnel.

    Of course, that means that every pod on my network (hosting an HAProxy instance) will be given a distinct subdomain, and I will be producing certificates for specific subdomains, instead of using a wildcard.

    Openssl SAN certificates are going to be a life/time saver in your setup ! One certificat with multidomian !

    I’m just a hobby homelaber/tinkerer so take everything with caution and always double check with other sources ! :) Hope it helps !


    Thinking of your use case I would personally create a rootCA and an intermediateCA + certificate bundle. Put the rootCA in the trusted store on all your devices and serve the intermediateCA/certificate bundle with your proxy of choice. Signing the certificate with SAN X.509 extension for all your domains. Save your rootCA’s key somwhere offline to keep it save !

    The links I gave you are very useful but every bit of information is a bit dispatched and you have to combine them by yourself, but it’s a gold mine of information !

  • If you want to run your own pki with self-signed certificate in your homelab I really encourage you to read through this tutorial. There is a lot to process and read and it will take you some time to set everything up and understand every terminology but after that:

    • Own self-signed certificate with SAN wildcards (https://*.home.lab)
    • Certificate chain of trust
    • CSR with your own configuration
    • CRL and certificate revocation
    • X509 extensions

    After everything is in place, you can write your own script that revoks, write and generates your certificate, but that is another story !

    Put everything behind your reverse proxy of choice (traefik in my case) and serve all your docker services with your own self-signed wildcard certificates ! It’s complex but if you have spare time and are willing to learn something new, it’s worth the effort !

    Keep in mind to never expose such certificates on the wild wild west ! Keep those certificate in a closed homelab you access through a secure tunnel on your LAN !


    Always take notes, to keep track of what you did and how you solved some issues and always make some visuals to have a better understanding on how things work !

  • Then, I tried ownCloud for the first time. Wow, it was fast! Uploading an 8GB folder took just 3 minutes compared to the 25 minutes it took with Nextcloud. Plus, everything was lightning quick on the same machine. I really loved using it. Unfortunately, there’s currently a vulnerability affecting it, which led me to uninstall it.

    I have no idea on how you access your self-hosted services but wireguard could help you out to access all your service from all your devices, with less security risks and only one point of failure (the wireguard port). Also this takes away most of the vulnerabilities you could be exposed to, because you access all your home services through a secure tunnel without directly exposing the api ports on your router !

    I personally run all my services with docker-compose + traefik + self signed CA certificats + adguardhome dns rewrite. And access all my services through https://service.home.lab on all my devices ! It took me some time to set everything up nicely but right now I’m pretty happy how everything works !

    About the current ownCloud vulnerability, they already took some measure and the new docker image has the phpinfo fix (uhhg). Also while I wouldn’t take their word for granted:

    "The importance of ownCloud’s open source in the enterprise and public-sector markets is embraced by both organizations.”

  • Thank you very much for your enlighten answer :D !

    Removing emacs-gtk itself will work as you expect

    Yes that’s what I found out with apt show emacs-gtk, it shows all the dependencies but I found it quiet odd behavior (lack of knowledge).

    I wasn’t aware of metapackages, something new to put into my knowledge database.

    Edit: While writing my replay and searching through the web and my console, even though I wouldn’t have had understood it while reading it… It actually tells me in the description that emacs is a metapackage… Bad reading skills :/ sorry about that !

    Description: GNU Emacs editor (metapackage) GNU Emacs is the extensible self-documenting text editor. This is a metapackage that will always depend on the latest recommended Emacs variant (currently emacs-gtk).

    If you don’t mind I have a last question. Imagine I want to remove docker-ce, which depends on iptables among others, if I sudo apt remove --purge --autoremove docker-ce, this isn’t going to remove iptables and break my system right? Because it’s used by other packages, system… I guess, no?

    I think a more general question would be how can I be sure I not going to fuck my system while removing packages? Maybe I’m to paranoïd and today it’s relatively safe to do so, compared to years ago??

    Thank you :)

  • Yeah NC is way too much bloated and heavily unstable after some long term use. As an alternative for cloud storage I use ownCloud. The newer owncloudIS version needs a bit more maturing before it’s fully functional and less unstable for selfhosters, but the php version is fully functional and the native apps are awesome :).

    While AIO is neat on paper, it’s most of the time buggy and not as good as native tools. Having all your tools bind together is a bad idea in my opinion… Having a hammer that’s also a screwdriver, a scissor… Leave them less functional as having them separated !

    Yeah this takes more space and is less convenient, but the right tool for the right job is a principle that always works in the long term !

  • Thank you for your input :). While this add-on has more flexibility on what to keep in your browser, it only deletes them after they have entered your system. It’s actually not as useful as it sounds because your data is already exchanged with the server.

    If you are interested you can read my too long edit to see what I meant and how to block specific cookie before they enter your system. Also on how to spoof your user agent and activate privacy.fingerprintingProtection in firefox.