I wish I was a cat
I wish I was a cat
Because our bodies are gross and threatening.
Does Europe have any culture that isn’t stolen or brutality forced on others?
The writer seem sympathetic to their workers I. This case.
It wasn’t a one off that story arc went on for a while
I am about to no longer be able to take the bus because the company can’t keep it’s staff.
I actually worked at the second to last block busters. It was sad like having a job inside a dying person. Every month it was a new gimmick to get people back. But still fewer and fewer people showed up. You could feel the end coming.
In RL Vivek is the racist one.
I like reading my porn tbh.
They were at the corner
And then he texts back ‘where are you?’ And then she texts back ‘the first table’ and he replies ‘umm I’m here too. But I don’t see you’ confused she asks him ’ table 0p?’ And then ‘01*?’ He says ‘no, 00.’ Releaved she says ‘lol I am at table 01’ he chuckles ‘I am at 00, I’ll go find you’
Later they get married and have kids. But relationship collapses and it ruins both of them and they cannot find the heart to love anyone again. Their children grow up broken and struggle through life. Some get arrested end up in prison, all of them repeatedly fall into a series of toxic relationships for the rest of their lives.
You can have it’s meat too.
A laptop because I have no where to go.
Pictures of any dick is not in demand. I have yet to hear a bisexual person say they have a preference for men it’s always women preference.
She is going to be the next trump in a few decades
This election just keeps on giving
I thought about all the historic events this turtle witnessed and then I remembered he is a turtle
‘Beware the beast Man, for he is the Devil’s pawn! Alone among God’s primates, he kills for sport, or lust or greed. Yea, he will murder his brother to possess his brother’s land. Let him not breed in great numbers, for he will make a desert of his home and yours.’