The definition of majority is a percentage over 50%.
49.8% is less than 50%
I’m sorry if this is a difficult concept to grasp.
The definition of majority is a percentage over 50%.
49.8% is less than 50%
I’m sorry if this is a difficult concept to grasp.
I feel like the decryption code is probably one of those keys.
Maybe he’s going to have the Tate brothers assassinated and try to use that as his excuse.
I’ve found that 3 beers over an hour period is my sweet spot for debugging. But I would definitely need liquor to debug wine.
Yeah, colors are just whatever the simulation decided it should be
Reminds me more of Musk
He wasn’t aiming at Trump. It was all for that photo OP
They also have amazing food
I mean, I’d let him show me his penis for $250k.
At my fraternity, we had a different battleshits. Someone at some point installed battleship into the stalls.
(we were the weird small fraternity that just played D2 Lan parties and smoked hookah)
Nah, my persistent depressive disorder, means I rarely leave the house.
Maybe me off label combining DXM with wellbutrin will help in 2 years, though.
My phone will not let me type ‘was’ without trying to autocorrect it to SAS. I’ve told it not to suggest SAS multiple times, but no luck. Swiping always works, though, so it’s only when I press each key.
It won’t happen until there’s a critical mass of starving people.
Things are going to get much worse before it happens.
Ah, that would make sense. Too bad I had to upgrade to Nvidia since I do 3D modeling.
I had a ton of trouble getting my R9 390 working on Linux, so ymmv
We just need to end sugar and corn syrup subsidies.
Potatoes also have enough nutrients that you can pretty much subsist on them alone.
Yes, the numbers work when you intentionally leave some out.