That was changed a while back, the current restrictions are you can only have as many people playing any given game as you have copies in your current sharing library
That was changed a while back, the current restrictions are you can only have as many people playing any given game as you have copies in your current sharing library
You basically just described kanban.
Tux Racer go brrrr
Depends on the person. It’s very “old school” in it’s gameplay, and very hard and punishing, grindy, has perma-death, etc.
I’d think most modern gamers would hate it, but I personally like wizardry to games (though it helps that I’m old enough to have played older versions). If you like old school d&d, it’s very much in the same vein. The remake linked here is pretty good, I already own it from early access.
sure, I’m not saying GPT4 is perfect, just that it’s known to be a lot better than 3.5. Kinda why I would be interested to see how much better it actually is.
Worth noting this study was done on gpt 3.5, 4 is leagues better than 3.5. I’d be interested to see how this number has changed
People frequently make demakes with pico-8
Earthbound is eternally on my list of games i play through every couple of years. Its such a great game. Some aspects of it are a tad clunky by modern sensibilities (inventory management, going through the menus for a lot of things, etc.), but overall it holds up really well. Also if you liked earthbound, mother 3 is also 100% worth playing. Mother 1 (or beginnings, or whatever you wanna call it), is hard to recommend to anyone but the most diehard fans, though.
I like earthbound the most of all of em, but thats purely for nostalgia reasons. From a critical perspective, i think mother 3 is the superior game.
whenever you start a game, there’s always a phantom player 2 that joins, and it absolutely wrecks the hardest difficulty
MinuteFood on youtube did a video just yesterday talking about the science of cast iron, and why they’re not dirty like many people seem to think.
And it always marks the damn “thank you for contacting Microsoft” post as “the answer”
You missed out, bro. It was you from the future calling to warn you of your dire fate and how to avoid it.
thats because they legally cant include the cores in the steam version. You’re able to go add any additional cores you want, however.
I now want to hear the English localization dub of the Japanese dub just to see how different it would be from the original. Think we can convince Crunchyroll to (re)dub it?
It’s probably still perfectly safe to eat. It likely just tastes like hot garbage. Frozen food doesn’t technically expire, it just slowly gets more and more freezer burnt that degrades the quality and taste. It remains perfectly safe to eat indefinitely, however.
Running arr services on a proxmox cluster to download to a device on the same network. I don’t think there would be any problems but wanted to see what changes need to be done.
I’m essentially doing this with my set up. I have a box running proxmox and a separate networked nas device. There aren’t really any changes, per se, other than pointing the *arr installs at the correct mounts. One thing to make note of, i would make sure that your download, processing, and final locations are all within the same mount point, so that you can take advantage of atomic moves.
Also, I assume it’s because the xml file in maven is typically called a “pom” file, so expanding that to pomni for some reason? It still doesn’t make a ton of sense
You cant go by “serving sizes” to compare things like that, because serving sizes are fairly arbitrary and can are likely measured differently between products. You’d have to compare by net weight.
This lists the net weight as 27.1 pounds, or about 433 ozs. A box of kraft is 7.5 oz net weight, or in other words it’s almost 58 total boxes of craft Mac and cheese. Which makes things way more in Kraft’s favor.
windows can still play castle of the winds? i play it all the time. In fact, i just booted it up again a moment ago to make sure it didnt break recently or something. I dont remember ever having any issues playing it, and ive played it off and on for decades. In fact, googling real quick, it looks like my abandonware even has a “easy installer” for it.