A classic nerd from Norway.

  • 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 15th, 2023

  • This is probably very unlikely and I got no idea what I’m talking about: But what if feeding it even small amounts of its own content, text produced by a chatgpt instance, poisons it? That it gets confused from being fed text that adheres perfectly to its own rules, and locks that text down as perfect and not needing small variations.

    I remember some article warning about this in a big scale, and I’m thinking why must it be big? If its only a probability tree, even small changes to the probability would cause issues further up the branches.

    But blind speculation.

  • As far as cover shooters go, it was not perfect, it was awful. You pop up, you shoot a guy while the rest of the enemies shoot you, you go back to cover to regenerate health. Repeat. And occasionally you move because of a grenade. Each combat area is very simple and only filled with half-covers. If you got killed, it was usually because of ones own impatience. They could have easily improved gameplay by adding some full-height cover. And some corner firing. That way you could actually avoid getting shot back at. Give the player some tactical choices. Maybe a few flanking routes.

    And about the story… Its very predictable. Once you realise the game pretends to give you options then takes those options away, it is obvious you are being setup as the bad guy in a Apocalypse Now kinda style. And the only reason I kept playing was that Extra Credits strongly recommended it. I was kinda hoping there would be some twist at the end. But no such thing. The boss is “defeated” and you are presented with the games first and only story choice that actually matter.

    Dubai covered in sand was beautiful.

    But thats just my opinion. Im glad other people enjoyed the game.

  • I dislike magic. Theres so much stuff you never learn if you rely on magic. Like most people got no clue what a csproj file contains. And neither did I. Just a bunch of xml lines grouped seemingly randomly. And sln files are hard (not impossible) to create or modify without that dotnet sln magic (or VS gui).

    And despite not being a vim user myself even I had to laugh at how those article authors completely missed the point of vim. 🤣