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Cake day: June 30th, 2023

  • This whole post is a good illustration to how math is much more creative and flexible than we are lead to believe in school.

    The whole concept of “manifolds” is basically that you can take something like a globe, and make atlases out of it. You could look at each map of your town and say that it’s wrong since it shouldn’t be flat. Maps are really useful, though, so why not use math on maps, even if they are “wrong”? Traveling 3 km east and 4 km north will put you 5 km from where you started, even if those aren’t straight lines in a 3d sense.

    One way to think about a line being “straight” is if it never has a “turn”. If you are walking in a field, and you don’t ever turn, you’d say you walked in a straight line. A ship following this path would never turn, and if you traced it’s path on an atlas, you would be drawing a straight line on map after map.

  • In America, the government doesn’t technically have the right to know where you live. You don’t automatically get to vote without registering because the government doesn’t necessarily know where you live. You have to give your address to get a driver’s license, so often that government office also does voter registration.

    Before our elections, we have primaries. That’s where each party picks who the candidates are from that party, but they are a state-run event. Technically a party doesn’t need to do this, they could just submit their candidate to the final election. Every state does it a little differently, but in many states, you need to declare which party you are a part of in order to take part in the decision for who that party is sending to the election. In some states, it’s optional, and when you go to vote in a primary, you tell them which party you want to select the candidate for, and they give you that ballot. Other states are weird and do what’s called “caucusing”, where everyone from a particular party within that voting district meets up, and they try to come to a decision on which candidate to send forward. In those states, it’s not a blind vote, but you essentially get a sort of instant runoff, at least in my understanding.

    It looks like in Ireland, since you have multiple parties, you have more options at your elections, so you don’t have to help the parties pick their candidates?

  • This is an area of law governed at the state level. Some states are much better than others. Personally, I have not lived in a state that has a 3rd party hold the money (and I’m not sure if any do that). I did rent in a state where any charges that the landlord claims that they shouldn’t is met with triple damages. So if they keep $200 instead of the $100 of actual cost to repair something you broke, they owe you $300. It really incentivizes landlords to only charge accurately (e.g., not for standard wear and tear), and generally deposits were much lower there than in other states I’ve rented.

    Lots of states also charge interest on any deposit money not immediately given back to the renter.

  • They gave me an itemized receipt where carpet cleaning was the only item on the receipt when I moved out of a place with wood floors. I actually recorded the whole final walk through with the person from the company walking through saying that it was perfectly clean and that I should get my whole deposit back.

    When I complained, they said that it wasn’t carpet cleaning, it was just regular cleaning billed as carpet cleaning. I said I would take it to small claims court, but I never told them about the recording.

    They decided to refund me just enough that the money they kept was equal to the cost of filing a small claims suit.

  • There’s basically a tree of operations that have been applied to a model. At any point, you can go back and edit what you’ve done at a previous step. For example, if you padded a feature out 10 mm, then added more stuff onto that feature, you could still go back and change that padding operation to 15 mm.

    I’m still super new to freecad, and I haven’t done anything too complex in it yet, but my understanding is that some types of those changes can result in the topological naming problem. The way I understand it, when you make a shape, the software numbers all of the segments, vertices, and faces. If later changes are applied to those numbered faces, etc, and you go back and redo the operation that made those faces, etc, in a different order, the numbering will be different, and it will break your model.

    There is a fork of freecad that fixes that whole issue, but the fix hasn’t been implemented yet in the main fork cause it’s pretty foundational to the working of freecad, so there’s a lot of things that can break

  • Your title here isn’t technically wrong, but it is misleading. It should be "white AI faces judged to be more real than white human faces. The way you phased it insinuates that white AI faces are judged to be more real than a diverse mix of human faces.

    For anyone who doesn’t want to read the paper, they basically took an 60 white men and 60 white women, and showed them a whole bunch of white faces, half of which were generated by AI. It turns out that AI faces were rated as more human-like than actual humans, and they had some hypothesis why. Principally that AI, by its nature, generates images close to “average”, while real people tend to have features that are not “average”. The reason the study focused on white people is that most AI have been trained on white faces, so AI tends to do better with white faces.