Discoteca, muñeca, la biblioteca
Discoteca, muñeca, la biblioteca
as many many people pointed out, this was poor planning.
So fucking organize it better then.
Jesus this American shoulder-shrug-why-do-anything-if-it-isn’t-perfect is so frustrating to watch.
The thing is if everyone said “fantastic! This will be huge” and the actual protests are underwhelming, well that serves to confirm the false narrative that a very small minority of people are upset.
But nobody did, they just said “this day this time go protest in your capitol”.
The optics of pulling off a huge protest in only a week would have been amazing, but just impossible in the real world.
It was a protest across the entire country, and it can be done again, and again, and again.
Seriously do you guys even need opponents? You just give up and convince each other to not do anything unless it’s perfect and then sit back and watch your neighbours get put in camps, declaring that you sure don’t agree with those actions.
Apologies I made another comment in a virtually identical exchange where I mentioned strikes.
To be clear: Protests -> Strikes -> Sympathy Strikes -> General Strikes.
That’s how you beat fascism. As soon as people push back at their money base they crumble. If people let them do what they want they keep pushing for more and more until stopped.
I didn’t realize police stopped shooting black people.
Dude that’s totally disingenuous and you know it. Protests/strikes aren’t fucking fairy magic. They show people in power what the people in general think of something. The more people do these things the more it’s clear to those in power what will play out and what won’t.
If americans, say, went out en masse and started protesting, striking, blocking day-to-day life from happening, in response to putting people in concentration camps, capitalists would put a lot of pressure on the fascists to step the fuck back. Then people could, I dunno, realise they can’t passive-resistence their way out of this and started fighting the fascists, this would be over extremely quickly.
Fascism requires you do one of two things: Help them, or don’t resist them. If you resist it becomes too hard for such a small number of people to succeed against a massive amount of people constantly defying them.
The Women’s March on January 21, 2017 was one of the biggest protests in US History.
I didn’t say protest, I said strike. They are not the same thing. Protests require Centrists and ‘moderates’ to care enough to join them. Strikes are meant to directly impact Capitalism. Going to marches every night for a week doesn’t hurt business owners, but a week of strikes loses them money in a big way. With sympathy strikes you can get the capitalists fighting each other. With a General Strike all of the lines-go-downward and they’ll freak out.
Until masses are seriously prepared to get violent, we are fucked.
Guess which step precedes that?
Get the fuck out in the streets, prevent cars from getting places, block entrances, cause consumers to avoid places, then they’ll start paying attention.
God it’s so fucking frustrating watching your older brother whining there’s nothing they can do when there are provable things they’ve done in the fucking past that have worked.
Look at the Pullman Strike. Seventy people were killed by cops/military, the strikers still won and it was a massive, historical win for American labour laws.
Jesus Christ I don’t think I’ve ever seen a posts comments so full of reasons this won’t work.
You guys don’t even need your media to dissuade you, you just convince each other not to do anything.
To what would you assign their disturbing success?
I have to ask: What success? They did typical fascist bullshit: They had an economy so bad they had to invade new countries just to loot them to pay for their horrific economy. They picked fight after fight of the smallest kids in the neighbourhood they could find until they met those kids big brothers and sisters. They required fucking slave labour to try to meet their wartime goals because they grossly underestimated just about every single facet of running a country. They privatized state-owned industries, crippling longterm wealth for their people, they instituted tariffs (sound familiar?). Pay remained as bad as they it had been in the depression because while their wages were raised, they were forced to constantly work overtime for no additional pay. Their military was the majority of their economic spending, and they used deficit spending because they were going to literally plunder the countries around them to pay for it. Sound like solid long-term planning? They killed or jailed anyone in the trade unions, and due to their insane tariffs and you know, generally being the worst people in history, lacked incoming trade so things like poultry or clothing was in short supply for the average person.
Then it took thirty five days for the Nazi German army, along with the Serbian and Soviet armies, to conquer Poland. For every success in the early war they had embarrassing fumbles. They lost entirely because of how fascists work: they need to invade more countries to pay for their insane military spending, make bigger and bigger enemies, then get beat by those enemies, then later people claim they ‘could have if…’
Yeah, they could have done just fine if they hadn’t been fascist. All of their failings fall to being fascist.
And the first world war, are you kidding me? Are you seriously suggesting their insistence on investing in overseas colonies while fighting against the British was a brilliant plan? In both wars they were led by colossal morons who constantly underestimated their opponents, while in the second world war in particular having the worst spy agency of any nation. Their insistence on torturing, raping, and murdering everyone they came into contact with meant they just got the answers they wanted to hear, instead of the actual truth, and were constantly on the back foot. Their evil, cruel, and twisted nature was their own downfall; the insistence of their superiority, as you are doing now, is the very reason they failed.
and very nearly won.
What the actual fuck are you talking about?
I blame women.
For not murdering enough. The streets would be safer if men had the same fear.
When have you actually done something for the working class ??
I march in solidarity with striking union workers while the Conservatives in my area call for them to be ordered back to work.
Left aren’t any better, they have stallin apologists for one, in your quest to “give rights to minorities” you end up marginalizing the majority for two & three your open border policy causes massive economic damage
So I’m going to skip the obvious Russian talking points here (open border policy causes economic damage? What the fuck are you talking about? Stalin apologists–like Putin? He’s not Left wing) and go straight to
“you end up marginalizing the majority”
No, you don’t. One of the key socialist ideals is that when one person suffers, we all suffer. There are arguments about how to reach true equanimity, but until then just by being ‘the standard’ you are impossible to marginalize. Conservatism puts men first, especially in our movies:
Room temperature? Designed for middle aged white men.
If men are ‘demonized,’ why are only 8.2% of CEO’s women? Why are abortions controlled, but not vasectomies?
I understand why you are saying these things though, people on ‘the Right’ fall for Russian propaganda far more than ‘the Left’ do:
I can’t think of a single Conservative social talking point that would make them good people. You have to remember these are the same people who want to ban abortion, gay marriage, remove rights from minorities, and have ‘in’ and ‘out’ crowds. There’s no ‘good people’ there. They may perform good actions, sure, but their belief system is entirely about stagnation and dogma.
🎵 She caught the midnight train going o-ver her. 🎶
The movie itself (obviously) isn’t on par with Terminator 2 or The Matrix, but Winstead is fucking incredible. The movie can’t do a sequel, but I want to see her in more roles similar to this.
Kate. Ever since that above scene pictured, it has been, as the kids say, #goals.
I think it’s the sunglasses.
I always think of Metallica’s Saint Anger:
🎶 Medallion noose, I hang myself
Saint Anger 'round my neck
I feel my world shake
Like an earthquake
Hard to see clear
Is it me? Is it fear?
I’m not even angry with you
I’m not even angry with you
I’m not even angry with you
I’m not even angry with you
Yet the real lyrics are:
I’m madly in anger with you
I’m madly in anger with you
I’m madly in anger with you
I’m madly in anger with you
… sigh…