Welcome to selenium. Hopefully your automation ran during a check in…
Welcome to selenium. Hopefully your automation ran during a check in…
I’m using a self hosted installation using docker thats not open to the internet. Its only open to my internal network. I would strongly suggest not making it public. Especially if you have datacaps on your ISP.
However being paranoid about being IP banned by Google I took it a step further. I’m using Gluetun https://github.com/qdm12/gluetun to host a docker container that runs proton vpn and allows other docker containers to connect to it and use the vpn connection. Also has the benefit of being a http proxy.
Fuck off twat
Hey tell your “god” to stuff it up their ass just like you need to k thx bai.
Oh I thought for a second there was a choice between green and pink. Hopefully that’s changed soon.
Customize it?