Narcissus DeGrasse Tyson?
Narcissus DeGrasse Tyson?
Icey, what you did there…
(Edit: speeeeeeling)
Seriously 😒. Fucking get with how the goddamn internet works. This is not a Rick roll.
Shades of Wendy meat from Rudy Rucker’s “Ware” tetralogy
What a useless, and completely on-brand thing for that weird shithead to say.
Fuck Elon.
Turdonomy AND Turdology, a double threat!
Yes. We like teeth.
You come close enough to the border with your mouth open and your attention diverted…we gonna get them teeth out your mouth.
Real sneaky-like.
Somewhere, a Genie is howling with laughter at the magnitude of that wasted wish.
Exactly! How else can science explain the creation and continued existence of Mountain Dew?
Well as an avowed fan of every voice actor ever, thanks for your work, and now I will forever be speculating on the pitch and timbre you might have delivered.
Odd. I retired from arch to Manjaro. I’m baffled at the depiction of it being difficult. It’s been a smooth 6 years so far…and yes, Nvidia.
God. What a beast Piranha was.
This is why we need pasta with structural integrity field generators on every noodle.
Evs make us reliant on lithium
Oh no! No the third most abundant element in the universe! WTF are we gonna do? Use another metal with a large valency shell that makes it ideal as a dense storage medium for electrons? the horror
Personally, buying an index for me did not feel overpriced, and I’m barely a thousandaire. I’d tried the existing crop of standalone hardware (for accuracy’s sake, this is circa 2020). Those, relative to their performance, felt overpriced. I feel that got what I wanted, for a price I felt was fair. The build quality is up to my expectations. Fully acknowledge this is niche, but the value proposition didn’t make me gasface.
When computing power is 10-20x better, cooler, more efficient and smaller, I’ll order from that menu, and you nailed it with the exclusion of Zuckerberg. He’s done more to cringe-ify VR than any google glasshole ever could, even if we ignore the creepy idea that I’m a “product” to them while using occulus…
You lost me when you mistook valve for Facebook.
Deep cromulence.
Careful! You’re gonna rustle their jimmies… Oops looks like ya did, all these howler monkey replies lol.
Give that bowling pin legs and flamboyance.