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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023


  • Disagree. Celsius is super helpful for determining if it’s gonna snow or not, a key weather thing where I live. Humid and cold and below 0? Snow. Humid and cold and above 0? Rain or freezing rain.

    Also helps with plants. Below 0? Frost.

    I’d argue you can’t get more intuitive than 0 is cold, below 0 is very cold. Celsius also plays nice with round numbers, every 5 or 10 degrees is a change in feeling. 0 is cold, 5 out is cooler, 10 out is cool, 15 is moderate, 20 is comfortable, 25 is room and warm, 30 is hot, 35+ is very hot. Every ten degrees we’re doing big changes. 0 is frozen, 10 is cool, 20 is comfortable, 30 is hot. 32 being frozen doesn’t feel as intuitive.

  • I’ve got the domains already - I have a bad habit of buying domains that I never use. It’s really the server part that gets me nervous. I’m not good at that stuff yet, and it’s not really intuitive for me to learn. I know for Mastodon, they have some cloud based servers that they recommend, but Lemmy’s instructions are kinda lacking detail for a newbie like me - and at this time, there’s not really up-to-date YT videos showing you how to do it.

    I know that being part of a server seems like a natural fit for someone like me who is totally lost with these things, but it’s kinda frustrating that most larger instances have a ton of rules. I think the one I’m on has rules about lewd content, which is fine, but I feel like one of my comments got blocked from submission when I wrote about how Reddit’s downfall will be similar to Tumblr’s due to their likely eventual banning of that type of content. Maybe some of the words I used were triggering the auto filter or something? But either way, I didn’t like that feeling of censorship.

  • Bread and circuses. Things only change when you cut those off. Why do you think there were giant protests in 2020? We lost the bread (tons of industries were indefinitely on pause overnight) and we lost the circuses (entertainment like sports also vanished). Lasting change happened in the past because people were literally starving and people had nothing to keep them going. Even then, you can get a North Korea situation once in a while, where they’re paradoxically starving to death and still compliant.

  • It’s a Godfather quote, meaning “prepare for battle”. In times of war, families would pay for soldiers to guard them and sleep on the floor in shifts. Hence “go to the mattresses”.

    Actually it’s a bit of a recursive quote because there’s a scene in “You Got Mail” where the male protagonist tells the female protagonist to “Go to the mattresses” and she’s equally confused. He explains the Godfather thing. This is all said via AOL message. She later mentions that she will “Go to the mattresses” to her real life boyfriend, and asks him if he knows what that means. He answers “Yeah, like from the Godfather”. She concludes with the statement “What is it with men and the Godfarher?”

    Incidentally I’m not a man, and here we are.

  • Thank you for the resource. I’ll give it a “Go” tomorrow. If it makes my brain monkeys dance, you’re gonna be in luck (at least from the perspective that I’m gonna be filling at least one of your hobbies with endless comments and engagement).

    For a successful community online you need two types of people: content creators and fillers. I’m a filler. I don’t provide value 99% of the time but I can generally keep a discussion going for long enough to make communities busy enough to attract content creators. I know people are pessimistic about Lemmy but if just a few fillers start passionately bickering in the comments, this whole project is fine.

    Anyway I’m gonna tell you if I like Go. I might also take you up on the match when I’m comfortable with the rules. I’ll do my best, but the ADHD really runs this ship and I just do what the dopamine tells me. Wish you well in your Kansas City journey - not even sure what sport that is.

  • Our overlaps are currently only space and science. Go as in the game? I think I can get into it, I’m just scared of the rules. Seems complicated. How can I get decent at it so that I can kick my partners butt? He kicks my butt at chess because he’s been playing for years but he vaguely knows about go but never played. Nothing would please him more than if I learned it decently and destroyed him at it. Im not lying, he loves when I’m randomly good at something because he loves when I become his main opponent, he’d get obsessed with the game.

    And if he gets obsessed with it, he floods me with random information about it and then eventually I use that info as ammunition to talk shit on the internet. I’ve played maybe 5 games of foosball in my life but I could probably get into a fight to the death in the comments over Tornado vs Garlando vs Leonhart because my partner just infuses that information into me.

    All this to say is that I’d love to comment and I can talk about any fucking thing. This is my third paragraph and I’ve said nothing of value. It’s a gift. But someone needs to sell me on Go.