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Joined 9 months ago
Cake day: January 13th, 2024


  • The ones I observed with my attending physician were using twilight sedation with propofol, and I think they got small doses of fentanyl to manage discomfort/pain during and right after the procedure. The propofol lets them knock you out for a while without putting you under so much that they have to intubate. (That is anesthesia’s job though, so it might be recorded differently on your records)

  • I’ve paid DE a fair amount of money over the years, but I only ever buy plat when I get the 75% off coupons (which has happened bizarrely often to me) and when I was working. I have over 2k hours in Warframe, and I feel like I was also covering my friend that I play with for when they were unemployed and couldn’t buy anything. Most of my plat goes to gifts for my friends and the occasional shiny thing for myself.

    I also really appreciate the fact that it is perfectly possible to get the premium currency without spending a penny yourself through the trading system. Not to mention the fact that there isn’t any content behind a paywall. You can skip some RNG grind or get cosmetics, but the premium currency won’t buy you anything you can’t get otherwise.

    (I am probably going to pay for the Tennocon access pass though because the exhibitions and Baro at the relay are actually super awesome)

  • Then you and the people that agree with you on what constitutes the beginning of human life need to be fighting tooth and nail for social services and social welfare programs to support people before, during, and after pregnancy/birth. “Life begins at conception” and “pull yourself up by your bootstraps” are fundamentally opposing ideals unless they are only backed by cruelty, cognitive dissonance, and hate.

    If you truly believe that all life is sacred, and that life begins with conception, you need to be turning around and fighting the people beside you on the importance of supporting the humans that are outside the womb.

  • Adoption is not the silver bullet people seem to think it is. If the baby isn’t white, or has health problems, there’s a much higher chance they’ll end up in the foster care system.

    Separately, carrying a pregnancy and giving birth are extremely dangerous. Depending on which state you look at, American women face the highest maternal death rate in the developed world. Also, the leading cause of death of pregnant women in America is intimate partner homicide, and intimate partner violence frequently escalates during pregnancy. How does adoption fix those problems?

  • Sounds like some damn good reasons to go to the locally-owned restaurant and try to ensure that they get to stay in business. It always sucks when the mom-and-pop/family-owned local places go out of business because people just go to the chains all the time.

  • In Second Gig (the second season of the anime) they do go over her past more and it reveals that she was a little girl that survived a plane crash (?) and was one of the first children to have a fully cybernetic body. That season explores a lot about her relationship with her past and present identities, motivations, and principles. It is one of my favorite pieces of media.