In case anyone’s wondering, it’s probably because you learn that even really old computers are still really powerful and work fine under Linux especially if you’re gonna use them as a small home server.
In case anyone’s wondering, it’s probably because you learn that even really old computers are still really powerful and work fine under Linux especially if you’re gonna use them as a small home server.
I can’t believe that game‘s been out for four years now.
Looks like I was wrong. People can charge for it, but they must provide access to the source code or have a way to request the source code.
Legally, you can’t pay for it. No one can charge for Linux. They can charge if you want to pay for like phone support or if you want to buy a usb steamos installer, but that’s really it.
6 was free on epic games a few years back and it was recently on sale on steam for just a few dollars.
I picked it up on steam for the Linux version and it was pretty addicting. I never get games dlc and I don’t think I’m good enough at the base game to take advantage of the different things the dlc adds.
I’ll use it with some emulators to trigger the menu bar so I can adjust settings.
I used it in fallout 4 to zoom since the pop it text was so small.
I used it a bit for save states and fast forwarding at one point too.
That doesn’t matter. I never saw the post before, so I would never have seen it if it were not for the repost.
I’m sure in not the only one.
Not everyone has time to read through all the posts on lemmy.
Maybe he was watching YouTube and decided to share it here before going to work.
I’d rather people over share on this platform than not share at all.
Also, I did not see this post before.
Anytime someone I know upgrades their laptop, I’m hoping they will offer me the old one 😂