That’s not a lot for a big game like dragon age, no?
That’s not a lot for a big game like dragon age, no?
Can’t you just copy it as normal when holding alt or control (can’t remember)? There is an option in firefox about:config to ignore what sites want and re-enable copy.
What type of .net-ification occurs on *nix? I am current linux “admin” and there is close to 0 times where I’ve seen powershell not on windows. Maybe in some microsoft specific hell-scape it is more common, but it’s hard to imagine that there are people that can accept a “shell” that takes 5-10 seconds to start. There are apps written in c# but they aren’t all that common?
4x8tb they had 8.5k hours on them when I got them four years ago, they work non-stop since.
Thank you! Ai tagging sound like a super cool feature hope it works well enough.
Yeah level design was clever, but constrained by the setting itself.
Mpv has plugins that include sponsorblock, but freetube and others aren’t bad as well.
Is there a need for justification?
Torrents by themselves don’t do anything, you need someone to seed it, either trough i2p or another way.
People use microsoft office at home?
Can signify and minisign integrate with git for commit signing? Would anyone be able to verify it with a glance in web ui like it works right now ootb with gpg and every git forge? Which one supports working with fido keys? Which one for e-mail encryption? (That’s law requierement around here for some types of jobs jUsT UsE sIgNaL won’t work and signal breaks every month because you didn’t update it frequently enough for no reason?)
Because expertie-experts dislike it while not providing any alternative? No.
The game is bad because it’s repetitive and just not fun to play, which are design flaws.