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Because the rich don’t affect much in our current monetary policy, its the velocity of money that matters rather than the quantity.
If they start buying out every grocery store then prices rise, interest rates rise, and their asset prices fall.
Its the central bank that debases your salary though, making it buy less and forcing a wall of debt to gatekeep your housing.
I figured maybe it was an infograph screen in the game or something.
Can someone explain what the picture is from?
I know its megaman, but why?
Elon Musk will be regarded with the likes of Leonardo da Vinci and Louis Pasteur in the history books.
Well its the loose money that causes Bitcoin prices to rise so astronomically. With a deep cut to the money printing I think we would see less price appreciation.
It also brings us closer to what Bitcoin proponents criticize, the loosely goosey printing of new currency. Assuming it comes to fruition.
Its a better gold, Bitcoin is anyways. In the 90s gold did poorly as a hangover from the double digit rates of the 80s and the recession that ensued, but since then its done 10% a year as every bailout gets larger and larger and QE is now a staple of central banks.
Stocks can do well but are taxed pretty high, and things like tariffs can erode their performance. There is also no cap on competition outside of bureaucracy.
Cool I’ve never seen this.
The 2% inflation target that excludes all investments you mean, so that we must consume more every year otherwise interest rates collapse and we gush out money like a sprinkler, as the rich load up on debt to short cash with their ever inflating collateral while gold and houses rise 10% a year.