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Joined 7 months ago
Cake day: March 24th, 2024


  • Been using this for about 3 months or so. The one piece missing is good swipe word recognition - its really poor compared to Gboard even after this amount of time. I spend more time correcting words than I saved nor typing them. Used swipe with Gboard for many years previously so I know hope swipe works.

    Any suggestions on how to improve it?

  • In my opinion, it’s common sense to research an operating system, how it works and what’s expected, before you move to it. And to also research if there are any issues with your hardware on your new operating system you chose.

    The OP complained about many things. You singled out one. Most of them would have been mitigated had they researched what I mentioned above.

    Its my opinion, and I stand by what I said before.

  • Your comment, like the OP’s post fails to recognise the arrogance of jumping from one OS to another and expecting to put no work in and that it will work just as he expects.

    dogmatic OS fundamentalism

    I recognise OS’s are not the same as it’s the basis for my comment. Stop your bullshit.

    When you move to an OS, have the common sense to not expect it to work the same way as the one you came from.

    My disagreement doesn’t meaning I’m falling prey to anything. I am free to disagree with anybody I like for any reason I deem important enough for me. Just as you are. It’s called having a different opinion. Look it up.

  • You’ve moved over to another operating system and you’re expecting it to work like your previous one. That’s stupid.

    Windows, Mac, BSD, VMS, Unix etc. all work their own way. Expecting them to work how you want them to is arrogant.

    Before you moved you might have read up on the differences and how things work. That would be sensible.

    Nobody here has any time for this nonsense. Which is why you are being down voted.