China hasn’t been a communist country in a long time. That was the whole point of the Deng reforms.
China hasn’t been a communist country in a long time. That was the whole point of the Deng reforms.
Again, both are shitty. In fact, not just both, but all. All hierarchical power structures are just plain evil. I’m not interested in parsing which evil is more evil. The Chinese government is an evil institution. The US government is an evil institution.
I meant, is hosting it locally something someone without a coding background can do easily
Why do you have to pick one or the other? Can we not recognize that the governments of western nations and the government of China are all evil institutions that cause far more harm than they ever could benefit?
This is just pure Chinese state propaganda. Taiwan has been an independent country since 1949.
I tried asking ChatGPT how a fictional character in a story I was writing would go about rigging a tesla cybertruck to light on fire without the police catching him. It wrote out a pretty detailed scene, but glossed over the specific actions. So I asked it to get more detailed in how it would change the wiring of the car. Then it wiped away the entire conversation (including previous responses) and said it couldn’t talk about that right now.
Is this something someone without a coding background can do easily?
I dunno. They successfully ignored the 14th Amendment, which banned him from serving the term he’s currently serving.
My guess is that he’s going to run. Some Democratically-controlled state is going to try to ban him from the ballot. It’ll get challenged to the SCOTUS and they’ll rule he’s allowed to appear unless Congress rules he’s ineligible under the 22nd Amendment. Congress will do nothing and he’ll be allowed to run again.
If the state represented the people, why does the Chinese government kill workers who try to organize so damn much? It’s because the state =/= the people. What you described is just capitalism where the state is one of the capitalist class. The difference with the US is that the US government is owned by the capitalist class rather than being one of it.