Two finger swipe (left) in windows is back button. Any way to implement it in linux?(fedora-gnome)
I’m talking about trackpad gestures the same way swipe from ends work as go back in android. Windows had a back gesture (3 finger swipe in gnome swaps workspaces) [Solved]
I use libinput-gesture
It worked
This works for me out of the box on KDE with Firefox, but it has to be the Wayland session. It’s not implemented for X11.
GNOME should use Wayland by default and I don’t expect it to work differently, but maybe this gives you some hints…
It works for me on i3 which is an X11 wm but I think it’s only firefox.
Chromium and its descendants also do this, but yes, that’s implemented by the browser itself.
Support for global touch gestures is dependent on the DE’s feature set.
What should i install? Or use
Sounds like it works in firefox by default. If it working in other apps is a requirement look for a de that supports it globally. Or perhaps find an app that does it. Honestly does seem like something that could be done a driver from my very limited driver knowledge.
Make a meme telling “this is literally impossible I am switching back to ChromeOS” and you will get all the answers
Beats using
What a hostile website for new people…
Name an instance of Stack Exchange that isn’t toxic
Whichever one that doesn’t make users jump through hoops and suck dicks just to vote and comment?
Some guy asks a question and everyone calls him a morron
LmaO Askubuntu would take ages for the solution
Less likely to get RTFM from people who remember what it’s like to love a computer not obsess over it I suppose
Or to use a computer and not take care of it as if it was a fing tamagochi
Your computer has not slept in:
It is feeling:
That’s just going to result in “beats me”
Thanks. TIL best to ask Linux questions in meme groups for fast, reliable and free support.
asking in support group can lead to some annoying answers in my experience. I rarely get the answer I want, mostly just people questioning why I want to do the thing I’m trying to do in the first place, or mansplaining the thing that I already know. the straight to the point -answers are rare
It was setup that way out of the box for me
Just tested it after never using it before, it works for me by default on Firefox on GNOME using Wayland on Manjaro.
Yes but I guess they mean everywhere?
I don’t think most desktop OS has a consistent back button that the OS can hook into?
I suppose?
Always make a statement in opposition to the question you want asked. I think Ubuntu is the best distro for web development.
Nah. Notepad in Windows. Definitely.
Fucking pleb…
NGL Notepad++ has been my jam for over a decade
Have you tried notepadqq?
That multi line editing sold me on it; not that I’ll ever use it. Time to jump ship.
Emacs is the only OS you’ll ever need fight me
I would, but I’m stuck inside vim accidentally and don’t know how to exit
That is single most annoying and useful feature ever implemented into a track pad.
What’s the best distro for a dumbass to use?
Linux Mint
anything with a large user base and easy installer. but since I use fedora I must say, fedora
start with pop os
I actually bounced around a bit before settling on pop. For now.
Slackware. You are either a dumbass for trying it or it will cure you of being a dumbass.
LFS (Linux from Scratch)
Android, literally all those candy crush people
receive free hate from both
Better ask on IRC
Thanks, i will check out
I should have been more specific. is the place to be if you’re new to IRC
i guess it’s application specific, i can go back in history in firefox
in firefox(wayland) i wipe left to right and in go back
I can confirm, I get the same behavior.
Its the default behaviour for firefox. Normally you have to disable with by tweaking browser.gesture.swipe.left/right in about:config
Browser:BackOrBackDuplicate But how it triggers?
Your trackpad + driver would have to have Linux gesture support, not all do
Where is ADHS/neurodivergent/autistic meme community?
Have some questions 🌚
You’re already here.
pretty much every community I’ve seen on seems to have some neurodivergent content.
There’s also:
😂it was a joke, I’m already in all of those
Maybe better use /s… ->🌚 seems not be known that much
Nope, never seen that emoji in my life! Sorry friend.
Please add “!” In front of the links
Thank you. I’m still getting used to this.