The health of the current system is undenianly declining, absolutely. But competition is eternal and non-optional, so systems that seek to eliminate it are intrinsically doomed.
Just because competition can be suppressed temporarily within a discrete system doesn’t mean it has ceased to exist. Exactly why ideologies that demand the absence of competition will eventually be outcompeted from the outside.
Well, competition has been going pretty strong for the last four billion years; time will tell.
Not exactly, it’s increasingly disappearing in favor of monopoly.
The health of the current system is undenianly declining, absolutely. But competition is eternal and non-optional, so systems that seek to eliminate it are intrinsically doomed.
Competition can’t be eternal, otherwise monopoly wouldn’t exist.
Just because competition can be suppressed temporarily within a discrete system doesn’t mean it has ceased to exist. Exactly why ideologies that demand the absence of competition will eventually be outcompeted from the outside.
It’s not about being temporary, production becomes so complicated and wide-reaching that it must become planned and publicly owned.