Just got soup for my family
Upvote for participation, but I’m having trouble interpreting the comment in the context of this post.
Could you imagine, a huge 25k people protest. The police show up in riot gear and all of the protestors stop and go “OH TOOOOOOOTLES” and a bunch of vans drift around between the cops and humans and start unloading protective equipment (helmets, gas masks, etc) and keep a few bats/guns up on the walls
This guy Californias
I didn’t even notice that. You have an eye for detail.
i’ll never not think “hey, fallout!” when i see that flag
i will never not endorse this post
You can get a piece of oak from a home store. Look for one about 3/4" x 1 1 1/2". Put some tape around where you’ll hold it. The square edges will splay someone open pretty good if things go that direction. And it’s way less obvious as a sign.
This sounds WAY too dangerous. Better just tape a sign to your gun, the American Way!
I would not be surprised if a sign mounted on an AR-15 was less of a legal risk.
Every protestor should come armed in some way to ensure the protest doesn’t get attacked by cops. Everyone knows cops are cowards, so if they think there is even a chance of a gun being present, they won’t get near it, just like school shootings.
You’re likely to be gunned down with either rubber smoke or water if anything goes slightly wrong so you might as well
That’s actually pretty clever in a real sadistic way