Looks like he lost himself, and needs to just keep swimming.
When I first started out, I used to customize my system constantly. Then I switched to KDE Plasma, and aside from a few minor configs, I’m completely satisfied with Breeze.
“NOTE: Wonder Woman died on the way back to Themyscira.”
And the only thing that will come of this is the announcement trailer.
Answer, obviously. It’s not every day you get a call from a sandwich.
Somehow, Palprotein returned.
Doesn’t the official guide recommend using GNOME Disk Utility anyway?
Is that WordArt from Microsoft Word?
I’m actually starting to get nostalgic.
The bathroom pipes are not designed to handle human discharge other than your regular bathroom duties
Oh, please, if it can handle the diarrhea from Taco Bell, it can take anything.
What store was this? And what was the brand of the TV?
Semi-relevant xkcd, but replace the last sentence with “Oh, he just wiped Windows and installed Ubuntu? Uh, cool, that works too.”
Don’t catch you slippin’ now
The cost might go up significantly if they’re actually hosting the .torrent files. They could save space and bandwidth by only hosting the magnet links like The Pirate Bay did.
The X Window System (aka X.Org or X11) has been the default window system in many distros. Recently there has been a new window system called Wayland, so the joke would be that Debian is dropping X11 and switching to Wayland.
…Desire Bike Lane?