Long-term alcohol abuse. Red face.
Long-term alcohol abuse. Red face.
Ys X Nordics. Tons of fun.
Boomer jokes suck
Are you not adding to it steadily?
Average index funds over the long term mathematically prove you wrong. Short term anecdotes don’t disprove 50-70 years of proof.
Ys X: Nordics you cowards!!!
This feels like it’s part of a Hideo Kojima game.
“Blood grenades? Hah! Have you tried spuds?!”
The Last of Us was released for the PS3 in June 2013.
The Last of Us Remastered was released for the PS4 in July 2014.
This game worked naturally on Steam Deck at launch. One of the first patches broke it. I don’t want to go into beta mode or other tinkering to make it work. Disappointing.
Isn’t it generally illegal to film or take photos in a voting location? And now people are further spreading it? Considering how divided this country has gotten, an argument can be made this is dangerous for those in the picture.
Soul Sacrifice was a fun game.
Disgusting. I have never and will never use my phone or a gaming console in the bathroom. I go to the bathroom, and then fucking leave. I’ll never understand sitting there forever.
Well shit. Lucky me. The 4th goddamn post of this horseshit I’ve seen on every freaking gaming community in my feed.
So the oil companies have a limit and eventually it will stop.
Shows photo with deep cleavage.
It was fine. I even played the new Age of Mythology on Steam Deck as well before a patch broke it. I’ve played a few other RTS’s as well.
I only play single player and I’m more of an economic slow player, and I was doing it for simple skirmishes or campaign missions. Of course with harder difficulties, more enemies, a larger map, or even multi-player I doubt it’d be practival.
But with some control tweaks on the Steam side, I can play a decent single player RTS game effectively.
If things get hectic, I save and go to my desktop. That didn’t happen in AoE3 yet though.
Good reminder I wanted to try out AoE3 Definitive on my Steam Deck, so I finally did. Plays great. I borrowed a community layout but tweaked the controls a bunch.
I’d rather check myself out than deal with other idiots. It’s a win for my sanity.
A lot of JRPG’s with weird punctuation and seemingly neverending titles or made-up words.
They’re the reason I moved away from Playstation to PC.
Like most Ys games, they’re a trudge at first, and some graphical letdown, but they’re still great stories with great characters. I remind myself to power through the beginning each Ys game and eventually find myself loving it.