I’m too scared of fucking up the set up by accident and also terminals are scary to me 😔
shitty anticheat protected games where the dev has specifically chose to block linux?
Linux is a reason to ditch those games
apex legends ditchers represent.
Video games.
video games work pretty well in general
It’s TruckersMP for me because it’s built on .NET libraries and I can’t get truckersmp-cli to load my DLCs for whatever reason :|
Wait, there’s something scrawled on the corner down here in crayon…
i’m lazy
Fusion 360
hdr and mod organiser 2
HDR works fine with Plasma (KDE). Regarding MO2, do you think the Nexus Mods app could eventually replace it? They work on a native client that already supports a few games.
I’ve no clue I’m hoping on nma but it still only supports 2 games after all this time and both nmm and vortex were absolutely god awful if vortex worked it’d be fine as that works on Linux apparently but mo2 has a third party wine installer script that kinda works but fomod installers don’t work so it doesn’t really work it’s kinda useless but yeah I’ll just have to wait and see on nma
Literally just steam VR in home streaming is all I need to fully dump windows.
My only real reason is the amount of stuff I’d have to move over
Lmao stealing this
Indeed it is brother… indeed it is.
Unfortunately, my vr headset requires a piece of middleware that is not Linux compatible. But, by the time 10 LTSC reaches end of life, Deckard should be available for purchase.
Also, I’ll need to re-pirate substance painter for avatar work, as GenP doesn’t do Linux either.
What headset? Most headsets work fine now. I had some issues with an old WMR headset (HP Reverb G2), but even Windows doesn’t support WMR anymore so it’s basically dead. Went with a Quest 3 eventually and it works great with WiVRn (ALVR works as well, but it’s a bit more clunky).
Pimax. Fantastic FOV, but wide and clunky, and the rest is just meh.
When you’re Canadian, European or basically not a US citizen, that alone should be enough reason not to use windows…don’t give your money to greedy corporate overlords of a dictatorship
Audio production/editing. You can switch to mac but not to linux at the moment. Well, you can do on linux like 80% of what you can on windows by using Wine, but certain apps and plugins are incompatible right now. The one that holds me back is Izotope RX suite, which is a de-facto standard for audio restoration/clean-up, and it’s all because of their drm (even the cracked versions have the drm merely bypassed, but it still crashes during the initialization, at least it was like that when I last tried it a couple of months ago).
That doesn’t seem true unless you already require specific software or plugins. If you’re just getting into it and still have the ability to choose freely without losses, DAWs like Bitwig Studio, Reaper, even Ardour will get you there. There’s a wide range of fully working DACs, now with the Pipewire audio backend you don’t have to meddle with Pulseaudio and/or Jack anymore either. There’s also a wide range of plugins etc. Collected some info about those a while ago (when I thought I had time for extensive blogging, lol).
To be fair, that’s all for audio production, not necessarily restoration(?). Perhaps you know something about that specific niche I don’t.
You are correct, you can do a lot of stuff in Linux already, but not everything. If you’re just starting it may not be that big of a problem, but if you’re already accustomed to certain tools, switching to an alternative may be very troublesome, especially if you have paying customers for this type of stuff and risk missing the deadlines or delivering an inferior result because the alternative isn’t as good yet or the compatibility layer decides to break at the most inconvenient moment.
Also I don’t know about DACs, but from my understanding it’s a coin toss whether the audio interfaces will work properly on linux, snd sometimes you need to record stuff. I haven’t seen any big manufacturer providing linux drivers for the interfaces, and AFAIK some pro-level interfaces only work only with the proprietary drivers. Again, not that big of a hurdle if you’re just starting, but if you already paid 1000$ for an interface and it turns out to be incompatible, it’s a bummer, to say the least
on OSes like windows, you have to rely on premade programs to make audio, which are often limited and incomplete. but turing-complete operating systems, such as linux, have no such limitations
U can use bitwig (native linux version) with https://github.com/robbert-vdh/yabridge and cracked version izotope https://rutracker.org/forum/viewtopic.php?t=6656658 https://rutracker.org/forum/viewtopic.php?t=6575804
Or ableton which works fine in wine nowdays
I use Reaper, and Reaper itself works fine. It also has native support for Linux. I will try this specific cracked version of Izotope though, thanks. Hopefully I’ll have better luck with this version than with the one I tried before
For audio editing, you don’t need windows, neither linux, that’s still the best on mac, but you need to be filthy rich
Well, mac is the best, but windows isn’t that far behind in this niche. And yeah, I’m not throwing away my Ryzen 7700/RTX3060 build and spending one fuckton on mac hardware just to get rid of windows, thank you
Hackintosh is still an optiom
As an architect, let me know once Linux supports autodesk products and adobe products. Until then I gotta stick with windows.
I have the strong urge to point out it’s the other way around; Adobe and Autodesk have to support Linux. You’re of course right though, with the strong lock-in effect from those big companies it’s almost impossible to switch unless done on company-level. And even then project partners will expect files to be in a specific (proprietary) format most of the time.
It was really disheartening to see Ondsel ES fail, it was a valiant attempt at creating a business-grade Open-Source CAD solution based on FreeCAD. Unfortunately Autodesk’s monopoly extinguished any attempt at finding funding, despite existing interest by those who actually use that stuff (I assume Autodesk is fucking expensive like any monopoly software…). Education, Production, Distribution… those few big companies own and control literally every part. It would probably take both governmental effort as well as some kind of soft UI-standardisation to crack these power structures.
Autodesk I understand but the adobe suite sucks major donkey balls anyway
Unfairly, It doesn’t matter if they suck or not, they have a monopoly. They are the industry standard and in many ways our hands are tied.
There’s plenty of software that is windows exclusive and has little to no Linux compatibility, although it is shit praxis, it is an argument to use windows